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How to treat scoliosis in adulthood

, 21:27
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Our body is a composite of a plurality of vital organs and systems operating in complex Extraslnyaya work and compensating the rest. This amazingly precise symbiosis, the spine plays one of the most important roles. Someone might say that the most important organ is the brain, for someone, most importantly the heart, liver or kidneys. The role of the spine - it's like the role of defensive midfielder in soccer - Dark Horseki performing a huge amount of work, which in principle are not so noticeable compared to other systems. Spine - a basic element, like the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. In the case of the nervous system, spine plays the role of a collector collects the signals from all organs and systems, by means of neurons and then forehandguide them to the processing in the brain - a mediator, a bridge. In the case of the musculoskeletal system, the spine plays the role of a particular spar or beam to which are attached swivel joints (Suglob) the remaining elements of the skeleton. In the course of life, spine, which in itself is a collection of foundennyh elements (vertebrae) may be the development of various pathologies, changing its basic spatial configuration.

Among them, the best known and most common is the scoliosis, that is a lateral curvature of the spine. This pathology is quite common in childhood,in the period from 6 to 15 years. Then, due to the rapid development of the organism, and therefore the lack of reaction formed resistance to external factors, due to a long and unnatural spinal loads, it starts to bend. Despite the actual association with the period of childhood, there are cases of scoliosis in adults anddonkey period. Here the mechanisms of development in principle similar: in childhood spinal discs still not stable and resilient, the older people are, on the contrary, physically lose its elasticity.

adult scoliosis can be divided into several types, because of the occurrence: idiopathic (withoutcertain reasons), secondary (develops as a complication of diseases).

occurs under the scheme, which applies to all orthopedic and neurological diseases Profile: conservative (medication, physical therapy, procedures, wearing a corset) and surgery (radical elimination of problems used in extreme SLNtea).

Author: Artlife
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