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Lytkarino - a city on the banks of the Moskva River

, 22:14
0 2019

statistically proved that Moscow and vmesthose with it and the whole Moscow region are advanced in its potential areas throughout the vast country. Naturally, much of this potential falls on Moscow, which is constantly expanding its territory and population (which, incidentally, now reaches 15 million due to agglomeration).

OnAgainst this colossal figure, a small suburb of Moscow Lytkarino with a population of slightly more than 56 thousand looks unprepossessing dwarf. However, it is only at first glance so. In the city are known to the whole enterprise of the Russian Federation: LZOS - produces optical camera, aviation and space industries, CIAM, NGOs « Saturn » and so on. d.

In addition, the city is a cargo port on the banks of the Moscow River, and also has large deposits of quartz sand, which has been used successfully, in particular LZOS. But, more importantly, the government has long-term plan of development of regions, which is incorporated in the Federal Law on himselfoupravlenii. In connection with it, Lytkarino plans to expand in size almost 400,000 square meters. m that the plans should give the population growth of more than 2 times (almost 150 thousand people).

Of course, all these people need a personal living space, and this is a direct boost to the construction industry, thethere are numerous apartment buildings and construction of multi-storey buildings. By the way, look at all the buildings in Lytkarino on our website: Among the most significant buildings are the following apartment complexes: « High Coast & raquo ;, « Orlov & raquo ;, « Admiralty & raquo ;, « Pervomajskij & raquo ;, « Polar & raquo ;, « Central & raquo ;, « President & raquo ;, « Coastal ».

Author: Artlife
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