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Advantages of pension Azov Friends

, 20:25
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If you want to spend your summer vacation with great benefit to your health,and while not spending absolutely no extra money? And besides, you just like to relax in the shade of broad trees, as well as comfortable accommodation near the sea with very clear water and beautiful   sandy bottom, on the coast of the warm Sea of ??Azov?!

It was then, among all the coasts of the Azov directlyof the Sea of ??Ukraine will suit resort on the Arabat Spit, which every year attracts a lot of tourists. The coast is Arabatskaya arrow can go for lovers of quiet and warm and, of course, comfortable (in all possible ways) rest directly on the sea.

, which is inbeautiful village Genichesk Gorka, will ensure a comfortable and most importantly - comfortable rest on the Arabat Spit.
That's why it has such advantages:

  • excellent vacation on the most beautiful sea, which is considered as the smallest and warmest in the world;
  • the pension is just bliWKR to the sea and has all the necessary amenities as well as the necessary infrastructure immediately so that it was possible to create a whole is full comfort for guests;
  • accommodations in well-appointed cottages in a relatively low cost when compared with other coast of Ukraine;
  • the service is only available forEuropean level with comfortable living conditions for luxury;
  • entertainment program specifically for children as well as adults can remember quite a long time.

Arabat Spit   always distinguished by its moderate and mild climate and the pleasant sun caresses veryovo will warm, and wrap up warm and can afford Apply an even nice tan on the body. It should also be noted that the Azov Sea is famous for its hot water directly from the relatively shallow depth of the sun has the ability to quickly heat water, which is why the season begins to relax before all other coasts. ANDthe air on the spit is always filled with iodinated elements, which is very useful to the human body itself.

It is because the Azov Sea is famous for quite a few very useful natural sources, this allows to promote recreation in the Arabat Spit, and also allows sanatoriumsbe a lot of attention due to various leisure wellness programs.

The most basic and most important advantage of the rest directly on the spit is just service provision procedures for different treatments, such as:

  • Pink brine because of Siwash Lake;
  • Baths from gryabonds;
  • Treatment of water from the hot springs, as well as other utility.

And all this for free!

For this reason, I would also like to note that the guesthouse is an essential part of the holiday, for those people, who for a year have dreamed about the sea, the beach, clean air and just about spokoystvie and beautiful days spent with his family.

Author: Artlife
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