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Entertainment or illness?

, 17:24
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Word « relationship » often causes us association with drug and alcohol abuse, although the world hasmany different dependencies and some of them are less dangerous. In particular, — gambling, acquiring in recent years, the scale of the epidemic. Few people know that her treatment actively and successfully engaged in the rehabilitation center. And indeed, many can not define what gambling — entertainment, which does not like nativeth or disease?

The answer to this question is very simple. If a person from time to time, including the computer to play, thereby detracting from the pressing problems, it's entertainment. In some cases it may even be beneficial, as it helps to relax, to escape, to relax. If the game becomes important in zhizno person, it, of course, is a disease, which is called the « Compulsive gambling & raquo ;. And it is extremely negative impact on the physical and mental health of the player.

The causes of problem gambling

Compulsive gambling, like any other, can havemany reasons of mental, social and adaptive nature. The most common are considered to be:

  1. unrealized personality.
  2. The deficit of communication.
  3. Social phobia.
  4. Family conflicts.
  5. Various mental disorders.

How greatrule, people in the game trying to find what he lacks in real life and get away from the problems and the need to make important decisions.

The consequences of gambling

Excessive play a very negative impact on the body and the soul of the player, causingserious mental disorders and physical health. Gambling leads to:

  • problems with the spine and the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases hands, inflamed tendons, shoulder, forearm, elbow, wrist, thumb;
  • gastrointestinal disease andinternal organs;
  • memory impairment, vision and sleep;
  • weakened immunity and concentration;
  • headache and high blood pressure;
  • the defeat of the cardiovascular system, followed by angina and coronary heart disease;
  • central nervous system, which isis the cause of serious mental disorders.

In addition gamers have disturbed adaptation in society, there is a substitution of values ??in life, which eventually leads to the degradation of the individual.

Treatment of gambling

Treatment of gambling claimWires psychologists and psychotherapists. To this end, different methods are:

  • psycho,
  • Psychotherapy,
  • Gestalt therapy,
  • autogenic training,
  • hypnosis.

Depending on the neglect of the disease treatment can last from ODtion months to a year. And some patients required even a few years to return to normal life. Therefore, we must have patience and above all — have a great desire to defeat the disease, and then she will depart.

Author: Artlife
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