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The realities of medicine Tambov

, 12:42
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2015 Year doctors called his "golden fund & raquo ;. Nesmotconvent for the annual deterioration of financial sector performance improved, pointed out during the summation for the year head of the Tambov City Health Department Michael Stichishin. In particular, the last conducted more transactions than in the previous year. At the same time, the percentage of postoperative complications and infections receptacleachitelno down.

The annual meeting of the city of Tambov physicians took place at the base of the central city hospital. Heads of the clinics, departments, senior doctors have discussed the shortcomings and achievements of the industry over the year. According to the published statistics, an acute problem for Tambov were and remain sexually transmitted diseases (by the way, myths and layendy about these diseases, visit the website:) and tuberculosis. By number Fluorography Tambov was in last place.

Among the urban population stable indicator - low birth rate. Hypertension progresses, leading to an increase in strokes. According to the chief doctor BTF Eugene KucherukIn recent years significantly increased rate of hypertensive disease among adults. Even permanent dispensary registration of patients did not save the situation, Kucheruk comments, the consequences of high blood pressure - a stroke, which increased eight times.

In clinics and hospitals a high detection ratecancer later, advanced stages. About 30 percent of the identified cancer - visual - they can be seen without special investigations. This happened due to the negligence of doctors who examined these patients.

In order to save and not to reduce the doctors have to go to such steps as reducingbeds in the wards of central city hospital, after staffing the institution - only 82 percent. To relieve the department, doctors will focus on day hospitals and home. Besides medical staff have meticulously treat patients residence. If they come from areas in urgent procedure,so that to deny medical care sin. But the planned patients will "recommend" the regional hospital.

In summing up Mr. Stichishin sent doctors to reorganize the sector. As it turns out, it is not the only medicine has not undergone structural changes. Therefore, reform will focus on the presentThe year, and this process will take place in the framework of the law.

Author: Artlife
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