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One of the wonders of Rivne region

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As it is impossible to imagine Paris without the Eiffel tower and the expanse of native woodland not emerge before us without the melodious whistle of the narrow gauge railway, which the locals affectionately called "cuckoo", or "Poezdka". And even though she has not yet reached the Guinness Book of records, but in a multimedia project 2007 «Seven wonders of Rivne region’ honor won the championship. In the end, in our “cuckoo" there is something due to what she left behind other contenders for first place, which for more than a century and have worldwide recognition. All this because of its uniqueness, the train attracts the attention of not only Ukrainians, but also guests from abroad.

Today, our narrow-gauge railway is the longest (106 km) from operating in Europe. She runs from the village of Antonovka to Zarechnyi. For its maintenance still used a considerable amount of vintage equipment, which, however, still in excellent condition.

4 hours travel the train makes 19 stops, but this is only the schedule. In fact, "travel" is the only public transportation of its kind, "drives up to the house" (quoting farmers). And don't let that high-speed Express train, and is soft comfortable seats solid ranks, but until recently the train was the only source of communication with district centres. He is now perhaps the easiest way to get the kids to school or every Wednesday to visit the market in Zarechnyy. By the way, in the basic structure of the four cars you have to attach two more, although they are sometimes not enough.

But the uniqueness lies not only in rail but in the area where every morning about seven hours of train. It's like traveling back into the past, where all the awesomeness is in the rugged landscape, largely untouched by human hand, in Polissia villages that emerge and are buried in the dense greenery of local forests, in rapid changes of landscape from sand dunes to the legendary swamps, covered with lush greenery. However, over the past century civilization increasingly encroaches on this untouchable piece of nature, why nature, which is not completely eliminated, is protected as Botanical, hydrological, wildlife refuges and reserves (their "trips" crosses on the way).

And the traveler will have the opportunity to see the wooden railway bridge, which find analogues in the world. It connects Zarechnenskiy and Volodymyrets districts across the Styr river, between the White villages and the Mill. Just before the bridge "trips" makes a stop continue moving at a maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour (though typically can reach speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour). Because the bridge is almost entirely of wood, and requires periodic repair and replacement of structures. Considerable importance it has in the spring, when affluent Styr pours its waters, and reach the other shore only by a narrow gauge railway.

In recent years, the question arose about the development of green tourism on the path train connection Antonovka-Zarechnoye. It not only can promote the popularization of the railway and woodland in General, but also bring in additional revenues to local budgets. It resources for permanent repairs of the railroad, which has been feeling the destructive influence of time. The use of this extract and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, where Hiking paths. They advertise their manors, where can take at a certain time tourists, providing them with lodging, food, excursions and simply pleasant pastime. As a result, in the Polessie region visited: poles, Germans, Danes, Canadians, the British, the Dutch, and they speak positively about our hospitality and the beauty of the local nature.

Here are just a bitter paradox, according to statistics, the number of guests from abroad is dominated by the number of visits by domestic tourists, which shows that in Europe about our "miracles" know more than we do. But this fact does not claim to become a regularity, and very soon the Ukrainian tourists who want to ride on the narrow-gauge railway Antonivka-Zarechnoye will be greater.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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