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Cmnty thermostat for Gazovik kotlu

, 20:19
0 1897

Uavt sobi: vzimku on the streets Raptor potalla - boiler is not vkluchaetsia; pavesilsya the temperature in the house - the boiler is not vkluchaetsia; sun through vcno nagra cmatw - boiler is not vkluchaetsia; your apartment spruyt SSSC apartments, Yak won znahoditsya Seredin to the kitchen - boiler is not vklyuchaetsya.


That take programmator for gas boiler?

Really zvuciti, Yak fiction? TSE and actually all really simple, You still don't know Yak? I roll carbno of Palicki here wistuba take miracle machinery, Yak programmator for gas boiler (he same thermostat, cmnty thermostat (regulator temperature). So Yak priznachena the thermostat is automatically patamuan temperature in primmest on predefined run. Bogato hto said, that controller temperature, which ustanovleny on most gas kotl dosite for the integral temperature. But it popelkova Dumka, UC I ones, that some installatori vstanovleni gazov ABO electric kotli without pdclean cnntogo thermostat, not poyasnyu clam Taku neophane. By the way, you can pridbati for duzhe nishikimi CNAME.

All right, in fact, that cmnty thermostat, vstanovleni bezposrednio on kotl, reguly the temperature of the stick, the Yakima is batara. But the boiler You potreben not, so GRT Butare, knave meta here - obrt premises. So the axis, if nayavnost thermostat premises can not just obsrvation, but wherein sche th struvite comfortno maximum temperature pid hour VASO prisutnost I economici the maximum heat, if you no home. Only addition you will designate, yakscho ustanovite tigney the programmator temperature.


That take cmnty thermostat (tigney programmator, the controller temperature) and that buuut Yogo ViDi?

Cmnty thermostat for gas boiler it is him giving special valves automatically reguluvannya the boiler, Yak dozvola ustanavlivat spozhivche a constant temperature potra. The actual thermostat with a temperature sensor, which stanovtsy in son, vadlani from direct vpliva opalovani prilazu. Sensor nforma about the thermostat temperature potra in s vaduleni son. So, I vdbase of opalovani boiler in primen with the help of programatora. Zavdyaki the fact, that the thermostat temperature vdslib potra on vsomu living I upravlja Your boiler so that not dozvola primen nadmerna peregrevaetsya ABO koloroutis, vdbase Sutta savings ENERG, but wherein Wee do you feel yourself comfortable. Full podna pristrom dosite affordable: programmator can pridbati in Serenoa from 50 USD. Clcom probably, that bitrate z pridane bude mozhna kupiti protham click the first months, the AJ s programatora bude mozhna economici to 30% energy.


Thermoregulatory (programatori) for HTLV buuut:

  • Elektron;
  • the
  • Mechanon;
  • the
  • Tignes thermoregulatory prevodovy keruvannya I bezdrotove radomyslsky.

method pdclean thermoregulatory buuut:

  • Proud - to install vimagati proclamati dirt from the boiler to msca location of the controller (usually, the bedroom or wtelno);
  • the
  • Bezdrotove - Cerruti boiler via radio.

Bezdrotove programmator skladatelja W 2 funkcjonalny bloku:

  • the First unit of the controller W I rccognition display keyboard for Department;
  • the
  • block the Other vikonavchogo will attach.

Z two blocks pow associated between themselves with the help of the radio channel. The first block, the controller can be in razmestit-which cmnet your living on vgscan to 50 meters from another unit - primacy, which ustanovljena bezposrednio charging time: z the boiler I paklausa to nogo (kleme "cmnty thermostat"). Head of previou cordless programatora is the fact, that no of need Tahti droti from one block to hogo. TSE duzhe this is very convenient then, if VI was attended by Committee can acquire a thermostat, not after the holding of the repair. Sche one perivaga cordless thermostat: vie savedi wlno Smythe can place his location for optimal reguluvannya temperature.


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Author: Artlife
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