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Scho him predstavlja koporsky tea or Ivan-tea?

, 11:47
0 1719

Ivan-tea - TSE Roslin s smashtv kpani. Takozh Yogo nazivayut kodorskim Cam (rosiysky tea). The title of koporsky psla from titles msceast Kapor je pid St Petersburg, de tserediani main virobnictvo tsogo tea. A cordon of Ivan-tea called resistem Cam. School fireweed of musicality often nazivayut ‘jacket’, Oskolki when CVN from Demba rasni of fluff, that vykarystouvac for vigotovlennya VATI, and also it nabivaet pillow I, with mattresses. More details about Ivan-tea you can procitati on sit .

Koporye tea popularni vzhe many centuries I in Russie CCB of polirani has to. kitaiskogo tea. VIN a Cup of COF koristuvacha middle RSNA of verst suspilstva, Yogo drank navti in the monasters, de Chay I Kava Buli Gaborone, Yak slugout Napo. Ivan-Chay MAV bike popularnosti in Clubbing, especially in Englandi?, Yak kouvala rosiysky tea Pudu tens of thousands.


Corin wlasciwosci kopanskogo tea

Ivan-tea duzhe korisni. He bagati on pectin, Organon kisloty, VTune, flavonov I dubiln recovery. Regularne spodivannya kopanskogo tea , Garnier profilaktiku Veliko clast of hvorob. He Volod profitability I siouville wlasciwosci. Koporsky tea is widely zastosovuyutsya:

  • for normalset blood TISCO;
  • from head ache;
  • for profilaktiki slojna pohlen;
  • alcoholic otrunk;
  • intoxicat organza;
  • adenom prostate;
  • mpotent;
  • Besson;
  • virusz dvenadtsataya intestine that slonka;
  • cystic.

Danny tea's got zespolu do on the Central nervous system that pgvisu mounted. TSE 1-in iz nebagato CAV scho mozhut vivaty children of waht women, he don't got godnic precipitating, Oskolki in nomu not mstetice coven.


Yak prigotovte Ivan-tea?

Recipe przygotowana kopanskogo tea sberkassa in - I peredavaya s pokolinnja in pokolinnya. At our time known that scho for przygotowana Koporye tea young leaves and plants for this reason it visosity I osperity of the he sprinkled with penetarte in corit I visosity on deck in PEC, and after Suna of penetarte znovu.


Yak savromate koporsky tea?

in order dwellers prigotovte Ivan-tea, need to take three tablespoons stolow welding I salici one ltram he sprinkled with the. Savromate need 20-30 minutes.

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Author: Artlife
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