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What are the varieties of mosaic for the bathroom?

, 11:05
0 2115

Many people often do not know how to design the interior of his bathroom, so he was unrivaled, modern and exclusive look. Mosaic is an excellent alternative to traditional among our fellow citizens ceramic tile, because it gives the opportunity to make your bathroom like antique mansion. In this article we will talk about the types of finishing material and tell us about them employee the Internet-shop: by the way, you can buy high quality mosaic for your bathroom at affordable prices.



For the production of mosaic using such materials as:

  • ceramics
  • glass;
  • smalt;
  • stone;
  • plastic
  • shells, etc.

a Fairly wide range of mosaic gives the opportunity to realize Lubelskie fantasies of texture and color design of your bathroom. This finishing material gives also the possibility to hide various flaws of the walls. Next, we take a closer look at the most popular among our people of the mosaic glass.

In appearance this finishing material similar to the rhinestone is 1 of the best options for decorating exclusive bathroom interior.



  • withstand changes in temperature;
  • low cost;
  • there are no open pores, so this mosaic is almost no moisture;
  • great resistance to acids and other chemical. elements which enter into the composition of modern detergents;
  • preservation of color saturation for a long time;
  • a rich selection of colors, which allows you to create an infinite number of different combinations and realize the most daring design ideas.

Glass mosaic for bathroom made from the finest white quartz sand. Supply the products of matrices that contain a few dozen items. The biggest demand is glass mosaic oval, square and diamond-shaped (rectangular) shape.

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Author: Artlife
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