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Heart disease

, 00:50
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The dream of every man -   it is to be healthy. After all, when a person is healthy then the happiness hormone releasingis Busy normal, all the delights of life, he can easily feel. Themselves common now be called various diseases of the heart, it is our most sensitive organ, it is influenced by many factors, especially a lot of stress and. You can also note the fact that children can be born with heart defects have that can not is treated withI.
You can see more detailed defect. Vice simply find unusual, but what is abnormal, the structure of the heart, when you change the structure of the vessels, valves. Formation of the heart occurs kid   directly in the womb, there is often defect can be detected in the early stages. But as well,zhno take into account that the ultrasound diagnosis is not always able to show a defect, and the diagnosis will be presented by much later, but do not think about sad. Just after the birth of a baby can be ultrasound diagnostics newborn heart.
Heal some defects impossible throughout the child's lifeAnd some can not do without surgery. Often children who need surgery simply can not survive up to a year of life, so the parents can not procrastinate, because time is opposed to them. Best of all.

But it all depends not only on the genetic fund, because if you do notmediocre pregnant mother drinks alcohol or smokes,   this may lead to heart defects in the baby and not only can

Author: Artlife
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