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Area diyalnosti otolaryngologist

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Otolaringolog - TSE likar scho LCU RosLada zacharovanna nose, Vuh, and also the throat (such as a sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis TA INSHI) I pow'yazanyh s them areas she the head. Have pobut tsogo specalist nazivajut W ENT ABO “likar vuho throat NHS”. More details about tsogo specalist us respost Fedosov V. P. - spivrobitnyky mikolaskova medychne center «ARNE": .

Dann specalty toil glibc knowledge in SFER farmacolog, fsolo, anatom, neurolog, bacteriolog, Bohm patolog vsih organs, and also picnic structures in the region si the head.

Medicin problems, yakimi Seimas otolaryngologist - TSE 1-hi z themselves polirani problems, scho turnout brand vsih people from lth pactv to parenting. The stench vkluchaut:

  • chronon wasn NFCC;
  • RSN ViDi rindu;
  • chrona I sleep apnea;
  • STRATO hearing;
  • allergies;
  • horobi throat;
  • RosLada cultana;
  • Nosov Cavotec;
  • osiplosti voice;
  • zaporoshennye;
  • cancer head I si.

Scho LCU otolaryngologist-hirurg?

Hirurg-otolaryngologist - TSE likar, that CCB chotoviny for nadanna kompleksno medicine hrule relief pacta iz zacharovannye first Rosedale scho uplyvayut on Vuh, I dialno the top travno system that POV Asan h I structure them head shy.


If it should be vddate lcara otolaryngologist?

Likar-otolaryngologist Varanasi from bagatoh lcars Tim, scho VIN navcat Yak conservative, so I hrurgeu lkuann. Yomu not need “peragawati” pant him faham, if neophane operation in the region Vuh, nose, throat, head or si. So, likar otolaryngologist can zaproponowali optimalni I ndili treatment option for their pant.

Vddate lcara otolaryngologist need in vdcol discomfort ABO nezavisnih vdott, POV'yazanyh s nose, wuhai or throat. Of in particular:

  • pripinaniya ABO uskladnenie Dianna the nose;
  • Velena s nstw;
  • SMA nose;
  • chorobowe vdott the upper selep, Stronach, nos;
  • ble, that pacinas in the region of the eyes, the frontal ", "" vdata” in Stronach ABO potelicki castin head;
  • zbilshennya limfouzel, roztashuvannya poruch z wuhai, throat I nose.

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Author: Artlife
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