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How to cleanse the liver with Allochol

, 10:55
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There are a group of medicines that aims to improve the flow of bile. One of them is Bought. In our article we will talk about , namely how to do this procedure and if there are any contraindications to it?


General information

the drug Allohol contain natural ingredients, the main of which is the dry animal bile. Also, the positive role played by more and herbal extracts garlic and nettles. Efficient cleaning is due to the activated charcoal. This comprehensive medication aimed directly at a normalization of liver function. The drug improves the process of secretion, which in turn reduces the risk of stone formation. In addition to targeted actions on a body such as the liver, Allohol also performs other functions, namely: helps to eliminate constipation and flatulence (improves motor function of the intestine), improves the secretion. This medication is prescribed in cholelithiasis, hepatitis, persistent constipation, cholecystitis.


How to apply?

Cleansing liver Allohol do in 2 ways:

  • the 1st method. Medication take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day directly after a meal, course from 3 weeks to 1 month. If you need further treatment, a liver cleanse can be continued, but to reduce the dosage (the drug should be taken 1 tab. 2-3 times a day for 30 - 60 days). The course can be repeated after 90 days;
  • the 2nd method. This option of cleaning the liver is strictly contraindicated in people who have gallbladder large stones. The procedure should start with training-initially, you must switch to a plant-based diet. 1 day cleaning special attention should be paid to the bowels. Somewhere in the 16.00-17.00 should print 3 teaspoons of milk of magnesia, drinking warm water. After 3 hours it is necessary to do an enema. Next day fast – so starting from 8.00 until 12.00 drink natural Apple juice (about 100 ml) every two hours. Then turn of the water (note: acceptance of solid food is strictly forbidden). Then at 20.00 it is necessary to take a couple of tablets of Allochol. After 60 minutes you have to drink 30 ml fresh lemon juice 50 ml of olive oil. After that lie on bed and heat up the liver, through the warmer. Next, tighten the abdomen knees and a few hours to lie on his right side. Next, remove the hot water bottle occupies a comfortable position and fall asleep. In case of severe nausea, chew a stale crust of bread or ginger. Wake up early in the morning (approximately 6.00 am) and put an enema with a huge amount of water. This day dedicate exclusively vegetable diet without salt and fat (you can eat only fruits and vegetables and drink natural juices). Next day also exclude from their diet all products of animal origin (you can include in your diet a little fat). Next, your diet can be expanded gradually to include familiar foods and products.

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Author: Artlife
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