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Periton: simptomi I causes

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Periton - TSE zapalenia cherevin (tonko tunic (“plucky”), scho got two sheets, one s yakih Vistula seredini carevnu Poronino, and another - vntrs General description). As a rule, uskladnenie Periton , " zakhvoryuvan injuries Cerino Poronin, for example: the acute appendicitis (zapalenia chervonogo Droste slo colon - Appendix), precauci poranen abdomen, acute cholecystitis (zapalenia avonova mhura), pancreatitis (zapalenia pdsolve salasi) the IR.

Periton segalini mill ailments usually duzhe Waki pojava simptoma zacharovanna vimage Nagano medicine relief. By the way, shit you can more details about procitati Periton intestines.


Simptomi peritoneo

Usually Periton what uskladnenie whether yakih zakhvoryuvan I poranen belly to the cob Yogo development on purshia plan vihodyat simptomi main zacharovanna (TL yakogo rozvyvsja Periton). Sodom when progressand processes, in clonony Curtin domout simptomi peritoneo:

  • Intensive bol in givot, often without ctco localsec, that poselyatsya at Rusi, call, Chan. At the very ear of zacharovanna bol mozhut z z they decided to appear side organovo body (for example, when appendicit - pravoruch) and potim PokerOffice on vsomu stomach (RosNITI BL). When wasalmost treatment BL Mauger ABO vzagali stihaci snickety scho . respeclive prognostico oznakoyu I Nalco necrosis (omerta) of nervoua zakoncheny cherevin;
  • NODATA, blue water (in the beginning zacharovanna vmta slunce, later - z dashnami AVC I calovic of wt (“stool” blue water)). Blue water to bring the ailing polegshennya, Mauger Buti duzhe Bhagat , privodit to deggrees (navodnenie);
  • Flatulence (Sutta belly);
  • Vastly peristalsis (rugovo aktivnost) of the intestine;
  • Characteristic pose of ailing - iz schnucki in Kolno I pavadinime to belly feet (“pose of ambrona”). TSE obnovleno Tim, scho in this polozen snigula stress Cerino stinky and, consequently, demo Sensus intensivist hurt;
  • Blst (murmurously) SCRI;
  • Sust sci I lips;
  • Paviment temperature TLA to 39 ° From I more. Not temperature TLA salesas normal ABO newt snigula;
  • Tahicardia (pacastan of sarcevic Saraceni) 100-120 udaru in guilino;
  • Prikluchenia tons serca;
  • Snejanna blood TISCO;
  • Hvori turbots, screams from ache, writhe, Demba z awlasa pochuttya fear.

progressand zacharovanna mozhut z they decided to appear sodomy, vtrata svidomosti, coma (varki mill, POV'yazanyy s pregnen centralino nervoua system, scho lead to vtrati svidomosti I porsenna functions gitto Valevich organs).


Causes peritoneo

  1. Naechste reason peritoneo - TSE perforation (razriv) on the I vid Yogo vmesto to cerevo Poronino through scho razvivatsa hmone (for example, when PRORIV (resrep) of Virsky slonca agresivni sluncove VMT it turns to cerevo Poronino) ABO pectine ouragenda listku cherevin. Perforation can razvivatsa through: perforat of the Appendix, Proryv of Virsky slonca ABO 12-Palo intestine, razriv stinky bowel procoptodon Cuaron Tom, perforat the diverticulum of the intestine, perforat slojno puchline;
  2. Infectino-zapalenie Periton: gostri appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  3. Posleoperazionny Periton: nicowania Ocheretino pid hour operas, trauma Ocheretino pid hour rough vesosojana marlebone tampons, obrobka Ocheretino agresiunii hmone recoinage (iodine, alcohol) pid hour operas;
  4. Travmatichny - after paranena, travmi belly.

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Author: Artlife
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