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"Bamboo health" compan from "Nova Era"

, 14:35
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Drug "Bamboo Health" Primera save zakislenna rdca of seredova, privatecy PH to normal. Procitati more details about this drug, I bezposrednio pridbati Yogo mozhna to itsyou sit: .

Kita bamboo stavna was Vivoli in EU , a Yak LCI, budavali the home I robili nachina. 60 % bamboo growth there to China. He Volod uncanny force growth, mcnasty, bakteritidnyi wlasciwosci I mstit the great number of active Bologna I pozivni recover:

  • flavonov;
  • lactone;
  • polisaharidy;
  • chlorofo I aminokisloty;
  • VTune I mccoleman.

Sama flavonov doomgate snizovani LPD in crow riven, riven the I quality cholesterol, neutralzone I vidlauci most radicals, ie periscopeit perechisleny organza I Yogo fisiologia starno, pasilyte activist SOD (superoxiddismutase).

Komponentti bamboo leaves flavone effective fighting s “cleron culture No1” - popratni Niseko slnet ( “paganism” cholesterol).

Lactone the coumarin SDAT effective zapote otvoreno tromba, sahamati pence . " vanbrunti. Stink yea swordmen “razomnem surechem”, that sbire, I pererosla to vivocity “smittya Sudin”.

milk part Serafini bamboo - odne s best dzherel kremna kisloty in in. TSE duzhe baglivi element for patrici health I I. SCRI.

Extract bamboo Spry Solorzano SCRI I got escravo viragen Antibacterials do. He stimulu the synthesis of the collagen, powertouch SCR m quality I gladkosti, posiluje mcnasty ngtv I postojannogo hair. H Yogo DOPOMOGA vanouse biological functions SCRI: pavidus , tone, I prognosti elasticity. Nevypadalo collagen vykorystovuyutsia in Tontouta I vanvliet creams solo SCRI.


Funktsional ozdorovcho wlasciwosci the extract of bamboo leaves:

  • Danian extract:
  • Neutrals I vidala most radicals (effect antistone);
  • Zahida cercavo-Sugino system SMTN stinky Sudin;
  • Regulus riven I quality cholesterol crov;
  • Improves mtracellular I Moscovy circulation;
  • Improves memory'yat I sleep;
  • Sahima I vdnulu pence, LCU ogina penci;
  • Zahida from starost through homologene Clin I vvedennya them toxins;
  • Got premiumline do, periscope development of cancer;
  • Smtng I patrimo munnu system;
  • Got antibacterially protivirusni do;
  • Rosco I have to vivodit of tears iz Leger, svolou cough;
  • Snma VSI ViDi sapling;
  • Regulus riven cukru in crow;
  • Regulus tisk;
  • Stimulu seculine;
  • Story despretly umove for environmentally friendly technology parasit.

"Bamboo Health" oswiacie got Smak bamboo leaves, Yogo easily I Prime viviti. And science Academy Japan Waga, scho structure of flavone from bamboo leaves similar to the structure lyudskogo hemoglobin. Flavon not on I bespechniy in whether yaky concentric, easy to velocitize s organza not salisha pabona efektu.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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