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Plastic bags

, 16:26
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The life of modern man is hard or even impossible to imagine without such seemingly little things like a plastic bag. Fromoday, it is the same integral attribute of life, such as bread, water, clothing, shoes and so on. This is not a rant as it may seem at first glance. The scale of modern production (both technically and rural) are growing by the day and not in an arithmetic progression. All this mass of technical products, textileor daily food plan in motion from the producer to the final consumer. It is clear that in such circumstances it is an issue of safety, which consequently requires packaging material. Cheaper and mass packaging material in comparison with the polyethylene can hardly be found. By the way asnnye can be purchased at the company « Leopak & raquo ;. About the massive use of various plastic bags is the fact that the annual volume of production is around five trillion incredible pieces. Today, PET bags used to pack virtually everywhere - from food to waste. Classify PET PAchum salmon can be in two main factors: the application and material. In scope, polyethylene bags can be divided into five types:

  • transparent bags for packaging;
  • "T-shirts" - transparent bags, different characteristic design of the handles;
  • bags with handles in the form of a loop or a slotted handle;
  • garbage bags;
  • branded bags, carriers of corporate identity.

The material for the manufacture of PET packages is high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low (MND) pressure.

Author: Artlife
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