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Area of ??medicine Traumatology

, 16:12
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Trauma is one of the most important areas of medicine that studieseffects on the body of the complex traumatic factors (direct and indirect), treatment of injuries, their consequences and principles of rehabilitation. It should be noted that the work of trauma was always a lot, because, in fact, you can even get injured while sitting on a chair. What can we say about the modern world, where the injury await at every turn: on neShih walks, to drive away and craze in extreme sports. Traumatic symptoms that studies traumatology are fractures, sprains, concussions, bruises, sprains, wounds. Each case requires special attention from mild sprain or dislocation of the thumb, to the most complex fractures and ruptures softFIR tissues. Therefore, the training of doctors trauma should be conducted very carefully. To date, there are plenty of scientific material, and sometimes unique, which should provide a solid basis for the preparation of trauma and a powerful impetus to the development of his personality and as a specialist. The whole complex is huge and makes it possible to absorb opsso many generations, both domestic and foreign experts. All literature is divided into several groups, categories and selected areas of the trauma. It can be as general traumatology, including information that is required to know every doctor and specialized, which focuses on some specific issues. Alsoe Traumatology inextricably linked with such sections as surgery and orthopedics, which by itself is reflected in the Literary Fund.

Author: Artlife
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