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What is cryomassage

, 11:48
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Throughout its history, mankind has invented a lot of moneyand methods of improvement, as well as medical practices. Among the entire group of methods, highlight the most universal method - massage, which is a set of techniques of mechanical impact on the surface tissues of the body, and through them to the nerve receptors, thereby creating a healing and restorative effect. Incidentally quality Wellnessitelny you do chiropractor Artem Ogiyko. In addition to massage, wellness and well-known restorative therapy techniques are warm (room) and cold (winter swimming). If you combine the two approaches - massage and unusual effect - Get a unique method cryomassage. It combines the effects on tissue cold (wrap ice, icebath, cold mud wraps, etc.) and massage techniques. The birthplace of this technique is Japan, where the first sample cryomassage used to treat and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system (eg rheumatism). Dosed exposure to cold (usually a maximum of 10 minutes) is generally tempering effect TrainI work rebuilding the body of the security layer. In the presence of pathological phenomena kriomassazh acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, improving the blood flow in the drainage tissues elasticity. According to the application, cryomassage is zonal (face, neck, bikini area) or complete (whole body). Technically, ex cryomassageichaetsya from the conventional concepts and massage in general, is a short-term effect on the skin applications of pieces of ice, liquid nitrogen, and so on.

Author: Artlife
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