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Types of dental prosthetics

, 08:59
0 2321

It would probably be quite problematic to find a man on the planet who has ever experienced in my lifedental problems. What can I say, if, for example, tooth decay statistics is one of the leaders in the number of doctor visits among all medical conditions. The importance of the health and integrity of the teeth can not be overestimated, as a practical (you need is something to chew and without discomfort) and aesthetic (beautiful smile has not been canceled, especiallyin our society for biased) perspective. As already mentioned above, the presence of teeth in no way inferior in importance, and the number of requests. Missing teeth can be due to various reasons (injury, delayed access to a doctor, physiological features, etc.), but this problem can be solved by methods of orthopedic Dentalatologii. Generally, in prosthetic dentistry, and in general medical practice, the replacement of missing teeth or parts of the body is called a prosthesis. can take many forms and techniques, which are combined into three major groups:

- removable dentures . The name speaks for itself - inthis case, the missing tooth is replaced by a rigidly fixed prosthesis. Fixation is due to special dental cements. Wherein the prosthesis is attached to the remainder of the tooth (e.g., top) or to a neighboring tooth (teeth), which requires removal of a layer of enamel. This group includes crowns, bridges, Lumineers, veneers, inlays;

- removable dentures . Used as a rule, large or complete loss of dentition and is its artificial substitutes - false teeth. In this group can be used full dentures, partial or conditional type;

- combined prosthetics . This type of prosthesis includes the use of prefabricated prosthesis comprising, removable and non-removable components. This group of prosthetic implants include, consisting of a non-detachable, implantable screw root analogue, which is attached to the spreader tooth analogue. This type of prosthesis is the most expensive, but letting go ofie deformation of the adjacent teeth.

Author: Artlife
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