The value of protein in human life
Properties of the protein depend on its composition and the location of amino acids in the molecule. The order of amino acids in the protein molecule plays an important role in carrying out their functions.
Amino acids, synthesized in our body called interchangeable. Some amino acids in the human body do not form - is the essential amino acids. Proteins containing the entire set of essential amino acids, biological value. They are also contained in animal foods and in some food plants - soybeans, peas, beans.
If we take the value of the proteins of milk (it contains all the essential amino acids) for the 100, the biological value of meat and fish can express the number 95, the potato - 85, rye bread - 75 Rice - 58, peas - 55 Wheat - 50.
With food must come all the essential amino acids, the deficit of at least one of them can lead to death of the organism, since each of the essential amino acids affect the certain of its functions.
The significance of proteins not only in digestion, but in the whole of human life. Of the proteins are built enzymes - biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions in the body.
And the fact that the meat food makes people irritable and violent, by analogy with predatory animals, as far-fetched. After all, as proponents argue vegetarianism: "Herbivorous animals differ obliging temper, even by force and power of nature they are not cheated. Take for example the elephant - he is powerful and good, but the lions inherent ferocity and bloodlust." Although zoological arguments, but we already knew where both contradictory and hard to see that even in these primitive arguments causes tampered consequences: non-meat food makes predators prey, and people of a certain warehouse aggressive and socially dangerous. By this reasoning goes, so that if a lion to feed a carrot, it will be quiet as a rabbit, and rabbit meat from ozvereet. But somehow I think that they both kick the bucket before have time to get used to their unusual diet.
Uncompromising vegetarian, to get 50-70 grams of fat should be eaten daily 5.4 kg of vegetable origin, with at least 70% of them should make oilseeds. Thus, a partial failure, and even more full of animal products today can also be regarded as a kind of tribute to the "trendy" diets.
The fact that the protein is involved in the formation of muscle tissue, as it were, of course, but not everyone knows that he is involved in the construction of the skeleton.
This is due to the fact that protein foods helps in the absorption of calcium, while lowering the level of protein in the diet affects the resorption of this element of intestinal mucosa. But in the human bones of calcium are more than 90%: it is this element gives the strength of the skeleton. However, the functions of calcium in the body is not exhausted, it increases the excitability of the neuromuscular system, promote blood clotting and reduces the permeability of blood vessel walls. Calcium participates in the work of the heart muscle, contributes to the therapeutic effect of cardiac glycosides, stimulates liver function, activates the enzyme lipase. Therefore, protein food, rich in calcium, especially milk and dairy products, biologically more fully than a purely vegetable diet low in calcium.
Deficiency of calcium in the body, triggered by the rejection of animal protein leads to disruption of several physiological functions, including reduced mental and physical performance in children inhibited bone formation, while adult bone resorbed.
Very telling in this regard the following historical example.
In 1857, 8 years old Vanya Pavlov, the future Nobel laureate, has fallen from a high platform and was then seriously ill. Maybe they would not have survived a boy, if not take him to his godfather - Superior suburban Trinity Monastery. The old man knew the therapeutic effect of protein supply and thus fed his godson eggs, milk and cooked chickens. In the morning, worked with him in gymnastics, summer, forced to swim, ride, play in small towns, and in winter - shovel snow and skate. Always willing to help the boy Superior obihazhivat garden. Sam Abbot differed enviable health that conviction be attributed to a healthy diet. Later, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov wrote that indifference is the lack of good food, and has repeatedly said that it is through healthy diet to maintain high performance, endurance and clarity of thought to complete his 86 years.
The opposite transformation has occurred with other representatives of Russian intelligentsia, reshivshem in old age to become a vegetarian. In contrast, little Vanya, who was sick as a child, a little Lyovushka was unusually healthy boy, and in later years, fighting at Sevastopol, Tolstoy had not complained of health. After retiring and, as determined by VI Lenin becoming the "mother chelovechischem" Tolstoy hit the surrounding physical health, carrying water, cycling and skating almost 80 years. True, the world-famous writer stopped eating meat only in old age after seeing them at the scene of the Tula massacre, when the fallen bull began to strip off the skin and in the vast body of animal life and has struggled from the blood-soaked eyes big tears rolled down. Back in the Clear Glade, Leo, for reasons only the moral order is completely refused meat and almost immediately begins to change his appearance. Writes for 7 years before his death, his wife Sofia Andreyevna: "So painful to me to see him suffering, weak, dying and oppressed in body and spirit.'ll Take his head in his hands or his skinny hand with a gentle kiss the gentle caress, as he looks blankly. Something is going on there, what he thinks? " Changes that have occurred with Tolstoy after a referral from his usual mixed meal on the plant, it is clear and quite understandable.
Deficiency of dietary protein adversely affected the livelihoods of his body. First of all disturbed nitrogen balance, and the disintegration of the protein has to prevail over its synthesis. Lacking the protein, the body began to "eat" its own tissues. Not surprisingly, seven years later, the final turbidity of reason led to the death of Tolstoy.
Protein deficiency in the diet reduces the body's resistance to infections, so it reduces the level of antibody formation. Disturbed synthesis and other protective factors - lysozyme and interferon, which is why during acute inflammation. Reduction of protein intake, or increase its flow in the body (with heavy physical work or due to illness) is a protein deficiency. Severe form of protein deficiency called kwashiorkor. This disease often occurs in children. In Russia, kwashiorkor is not observed, but the disease often occurs in developing countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America.
Uncompensated protein in the body adversely affects the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Lack of protein affects the appetite, which in turn reduces the influx of protein intake - a vicious circle.
To prevent this, you want to permanently introduce into the body physiologically required amount of protein in food.
Schadilov Eugene