Using experience of colloidal silver and tea tree in patients with acute and chronic ENT-pathology

Using experience of colloidal silver and tea tree

In the center of Kharkov throat colloidal silver and tea tree are used for more than five years. Drugs are used as a monotherapy and in combination with conventional medication. This choice is nonrandom. With the advent of antibiotics and the emergence of huge quantities of synthetic antimicrobial agents, natural antiseptics undeservedly forgotten. Meanwhile, the growing population of allergy, a large number of combined pathology of internal organs, dysbacterioses make us increasingly turn to natural remedies. 
Colloidal Silver - a pure natural substance consisting of demineralized water and submicroscopic particles of silver minerals. Antibiotic activity observed against 650 species of microorganisms, including those against viruses. The toxicity of colloidal silver is minimal.
Tea tree oil is extracted from a single shrub species - Malaleuzy Alternifolis grown in Australia and Malaysia. In the tea tree oil contains a unique "viridofloren", which is not found in other plants that have antibacterial properties (rosemary, eucalyptus). This oil inhibits the growth of bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci, Escherichia coli and fungal flora. There is a low number of allergic reactions and other side effects when applying tea tree oil.
These products were used in three groups of patients, only 90 people, aged from 4 to 14 years - 19 men, 15 to 25 years - 45 people, ranging from 26 to 55 - 26. The first group consisted of patients with diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, the second - patients with acute and chronic pharyngitis, third - patients with chronic tonsillitis in the stage of compensation and decompensation. All patients were examined: clinical blood and urine tests, microbiological studies of smears from the nose, throat on the microflora and sensitivity to chemicals, X-ray study of the paranasal sinuses;
study of acute-phase blood indices.
Colloidal silver applied topically in a dilution of 1 tablespoon of 0.5 liters of distilled water for the irrigation of the pharynx, paranasal sinus lavage, lavage of lacunae of tonsils. Inside the silver used in the breeding 1chaynaya spoon to 0.5 liters of water per day. Course of 10 days, then one week break and repeat the course. This dosage is varied depending on the patient's age, severity of the inflammatory process.
Some patients noted transient increase in body temperature to febrile, which stoped taking antioxidants, TOXFIGHTER desintoxication or other types of therapy. Such a reaction of the organism can be explained by the massive loss of microbes and intoxication of their decay products. With great caution should be used colloidal silver to patients with severe renal pathology - the dose may remain unchanged, but the dilution is doubled. 
For inhalation of colloidal silver were raised in the proportion of 5 drops per 50 ml of distilled water with a temperature of 36 ° C, ultrasonic inhaler daily.
Tea tree oil has also been applied topically and inhalation. Locally in the form turundas in a bow for 10-15 minutes, in combination with laser therapy with infrared laser scanner on the nose and paranasal sinuses. Smearing the back wall of the pharynx oil, divorced Ascoli in the ratio 1:7, 1:5. Oil inhalation produced warm solution ekteritsida with the addition of tea tree oil. Hypertrophied mucosal sites tushirovalis 100% solution of colloidal silver.
As a result of therapy in patients with marked recovery is functional -
ARRANGEMENTS, general well-being for 2-5 days, whereas patients receiving traditional treatment, improvement occurred for 4-6 days, the continued weakness and sweating. In the treatment of our patients have not been applied antifungal agents, since their application was not necessary, although the microflora was allocated differently: we epidermal staphylococcus with haemolytic properties, N. Subflavia, St.aureus, S.agalactiae, E.coli, Candida species and different Association. Repeated bacteriological study, one month after discharge of patients from hospital, only 10% of patients there was an increase of pathological flora.
In clinical blood analysis indicated better performance, blood chemistry,
decreased levels of C-reactive protein and seromukoidov.
Thus, we can conclude that the biologically active additives company ART LIFE can be successfully applied in the practice of otolaryngologists as an additional tool in the treatment of acute and chronic ENT pathologies.
