Treatment of chronic liver disease diffusion using dietary supplements ART LIFE.

VI Zalewski, IV KUSHNIRENKO, S. Kosinski, AP Codling State Medical Academy, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Increase in the number of chronic diffuse liver diseases (HDZP) of different etiology (chronic hepatitis, steatosis, cirrhosis of the liver), and lack of effectiveness of common methods of treatment stimulates the search for new, perhaps unconventional methods of treatment of these common diseases.
The main tools in treating HDZP presented gepatoprotektoram antioxidants, detoxifying therapy and correction of metabolic abnormalities. Only a subset of patients with chronic hepatitis of viral etiology is possible to use an expensive specific antiviral therapy with interferon, for which there are many contraindications. Therefore, of basic drugs are legal, Kars, silymarin, febihol, Hofitol and others. In general, these drugs of plant origin. Comparison of these means with a biologically active food additives (BAA) of ARTLIFE (HEPAR FORMULA, ESSENTSIAL OIL, TOKSFAYTER etc.) reveals a noticeable similarity in the composition at a lower dose of active ingredients. However, smaller doses are compensated with a combination of many components of the synergistic effect of the action. We should expect that the use of such supplements should provide a better therapeutic effect compared with the appointment of several pharmaceutical drugs.
On this basis, we studied the efficacy HEPAR FORMULA, ESSENTSIAL OIL, TOKSFAYTER in the treatment of chronic hepatitis in comparison with conventional therapy. Under our supervision there were 53 patients aged from 21 to 67 years. Of them men - 41 women - 12. The majority (36 patients), the main cause of chronic hepatitis was alcohol abuse. The remaining 17 patients - a chronic viral infection (B or C).
The diagnosis was determined on the basis of clinical manifestations in the form of complaints of pain in the right upper quadrant, astenovegetative and dyspeptic syndromes. Objectively, an increase in liver size, tenderness on palpation of her, ikterichnost sclera. A 17 man manifested yellowness of the skin. In all patients before treatment was expressed by cytolytic syndrome with increased ALT and AST in 1,5 - 3,2 times. A significant part (41) have raised the level of gamma-glutamintranspeptidazy (GGT) in blood, and 37 - blood bilirubin. In 17 patients had positive markers of virus B or C. The activity of chronic hepatitis confirmed by liver ultrasound data.
All patients were divided into 2 groups: primary (24 patients) and control (29).
Person core team took during the first week TOKSFIGHTER to 2 teaspoons in the morning and evening for 1 hour before meals for three weeks, HEPAR FORMULA 2 tablets 2 times daily before meals and ESSENTSIAL OIL with 2 gel for 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. 
The control group was in the conventional therapy: neogemodez 200.0 ml and 5% glucose solution was 400.0 intravenously for 5 days, is legal and essentiale to 6 capsules daily. The results of our observations have shown that the improved overall study group, regression of signs of chronic hepatitis occurs in them earlier than the control group. Asthenovegetative syndrome disappeared in an average 6 per day (in the control group - on day 9). Bilirubin levels returned to normal blood at 7-15 days (in control - 6-17 days). Indicators of cytolytic syndrome decreased to normal by the end of the second week (in control - at the third week). Signs of active hepatitis survived to the end of inpatient treatment (3 weeks) in 2 patients (8.4%) of the main group and in 5 (17.8%) of the control group. Thymol test, and GGT activity were normalized in 78% (18 patients) versus 51% (15 people) in the control group.
Thus, the complex treatment of BAA ART LIFE, including TOKSFAYTER, HEPAR FORMULA, ESSENTSIAL OIL, gives good results in chronic diffuse liver disease with moderate activity, and may well compete with the treatment of known pharmaceuticals.
