Pleshakov AA 

In the past two decades natural polyphenolic compounds attracted widespread attention of researchers not only as an object of chemical study, but also as promising materials for the production of biologically active drugs and medicines. This is evidenced by the increased in recent years, interest in the substance of this group, as sources kapillyaroukreplyayuschee, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antisclerotic, anticancer and other drugs (3,4). 
Phenolic compound called substance containing in its molecule an aromatic (benzolnoe0koltso, which carries one or more hydroxyl groups. Formation of phenolic compounds is one of the features of the plant cell (5). 
Extensive study of phenolic compounds showed that the substance of this group have diverse effects on organisms of animals and humans (3,4,6-10). 
Previously, others found their effect on the walls of blood capillaries, the P-vitamin activity. Beneficial effects of flavonoids on the condition of the capillary system is manifested in the reduction of pathologically increased capillary permeability and in the removal of their fragility and brittleness, skin effects (4.11). In addition, flavonoids have a normalizing effect on lymph flow. Along with the action on the vessels, and flavonoids are known as weak cardiotonic means: they are capable of slowed heart rate and increase their amplitude. Other important properties of a series of flavonoids is ihantiaggregatsionnaya ability (12-14), anti-inflammatory (8,15-21) and antipyretic effect (8.22). 
For a number of flavonoid compounds show antimicrobial (17,23-26) and antiviral activity (8). Representatives of the group of isoflavones have estrogenic effects (4). Flavonoids may act as radioprotectors (25) and as radiopotentsiiruyuschie means (28,29). Flavonoids have a positive effect on the metabolism of the liver, increasing bile secretion (30-32) and increasing the detoxification function (8,32,33). Several compounds have diuretic properties (25,34,35), others - raise the tone of the intestine (36.37). 
Shows the anabolic activity nekotoryhflavonoidnyh compounds (38), hypoglycemic properties (39), neurotropic (21.40), an adaptogenic (37), antiatherosclerotic (41-45) steps. 
One of the important properties of Y-pyrone derivatives and other polyphenolic compounds is their antitumor activity. The antitumor activity was observed in flavones, flavonols, leykoantotsianidinov, kahetinov and other representatives of flavonoids (8,28,29,46-50). Great interest has flavonoids as promising antitumor agents. 
In contrast to the means commonly used in the treatment of tumors, flavonoids, possess anti-tumor activity netoksichny.ustanovleno significant stabilizing and degenerative effect of some flavonoids on tumor varied etiology, as well as their ability to prevent metastasis in certain types of lymphosarcoma. If we arrange the flavonoids tested in a number of decreasing the antitumor activity, the compounds presented in the following order: Leukoantocians (superior Sarcolysin) chalkones, flavonols (and aglycones act on solid tumors, and glycosides, in ascitic). Essential medicines polyphenols as the necessary additional components to the basic treatment for the disease, as well as radiotherapy and chemotherapy (Vermichev) 
Antioxidant activity of flavonoids can normalize the processes of free radical oxidation of organic molecules and the level accumulated in the cells of the body of peroxide radicals, and this has implications for the construction and renovation of the structural lipids of cell membranes, as well as the development of several hormones. 
As a result, destructive to the body are inhibited oxidation processes in the cells and creates the potential for recovery of their activity. 
At present, the antioxidant activity of flavonoids is paid great attention as a possible mechanism through which implemented the biological effects of this group of compounds (51-58). 
There are many studies indicating the relationship of adaptogenic immunomodulatory, anticancer and other properties of phenols and their antioxidant activity (59-74). 
One of the present stage of evolution is an aspect of teaching supplements of natural or hemoprotektorov hemopreventorov contained in the plants consumed (vegetables, fruits, berries) and unimproved food (herbs). These include bioflavonoids - minor components of food. These compounds carry Bioregulation of physiological functions, enhance nonspecific resistance, maintain intercellular communication and homeostasis. Their use in prophylactic and therapeutic feeding is very important from the standpoint of the concept of functional foods. With the development of science avalanche accumulate data on their physiological role in the body. Besides the fact that they possess a pronounced antioxidant activity, they are necessary as regulators of activity of enzymes of xenobiotic metabolism of the first and second phase. 
The Institute of Nutrition clear evidence of this important influence. Since bioflavonoids, these pantries health, are not synthesized in humans, Nutrition Institute recommends eating 15-20 of plant components on the day in the right combinations. For plants containing substances of phenolic nature, are plants of the family "Rosaceae". This pear, apple, cherry, plum, almond, apricot, shadberry. Does not remain an exception and "Peach Tree", the properties of the plant known since ancient times. Greatest role a peach in the ancient Chinese culture, where he was venerated as a symbol of longevity and appreciated, along with ginseng as a tonic and restorative agent. 
Based on the ancient recipes of Eastern medicine and modern biotechnology, specialists of Art Life developed a unique product "Persifen. The latter is a concentrated extract from the leaves of peach ordinary capsules. The total amount of phenolic compounds in one pill "Persifena" is not less than 8%. 
This organic acids, tannins, carotenoids, flavonoids, narengenin, persikozid, quercetin, kemferol, kumoriny, fenolglikozidy. 
In a complex polyphenolic compounds found peach leaf trace elements: manganese, copper, zinc, silver in the number of 0,001-0,03%, phosphorus 0.5%. Antioxidant effect of phenolic compounds in the Persifene "enhanced with vitamins, ascorbic acid (30 mg), alpha -tocopherol (20mg), beta-carotene (2 mg). Antioxidant Complex Persifen "is a technologically implemented a way to combine the three polyphenolic compounds active ingredients, vitamins C and E, beta carotene and natural trace elements.  
Characteristics of the main groups of natural compounds present in the Persifene.  
1. Coumarins exhibit sedative, analgesic, antimicrobial effect, reduces blood cholesterol, prevent blood clots in blood vessels and contribute to their dissolution. Furokumariny delay cell division and therefore possess anti-tumor activity, enhance the effect of several chemicals. 
2. Tannins can bind heavy metals, and with proteins form insoluble in water albuminates, which have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action. Tannin has kapillyaroukreplyayuschee and hemostatic effects. The point of application of tannins - the mucous membranes, where many of the pathological processes begin. 
3. Aromatic fenolkislota - chlorogenic acid possesses choleretic, anti-inflammatory, regulates thyroid function. 
4. Fenolglikozidy in the body are split with the release of phenols having antimicrobial action, and since these substances are formed in the kidneys, they disinfect the urinary tract. Fenolglikozidy relieve mental and physical fatigue. 
5. Naringenin and persikozid have a direct effect on tumor cells and indirect. 
6. Quercetin exhibits holeleticheskuyu, diuretic, antitumor activity, slowed heart rate, increases their amplitude. 
7. Saponins, getting into the body through the gastrointestinal tract, have the largest variety of therapeutic effect: are good expectorant, and soothes the nervous system, improve digestion. 
8. Flavonoids various forms with P-vitamin activity. Under their influence decreases permeability and increases capillary strength. Physiological effects of flavonoids on blood vessels is carried out with the participation of ascorbic acid, which is present in the product Persifen. 
9. Koratinoidy increase the overall resistance of the body, promote tissue regeneration, accelerates the healing process, stimulate the immune system. 
As shown by numerous studies, for any injury to health or even wider - with any kind of trouble, ranging from the social upheavals to diseases of various origins, the body breaks down during normal metabolic processes, and - dramatically increasing their oxidative link. As a result, the number of free radical oxidation products and the image of highly aggressive reactive free radicals, both organic and inorganic origin, freely attacking vital intracellular target. 
Today no one doubts that many diseases, but their underlying cause, due to the stress that exacerbates their course, usually through damage to the immune system. These disease states include: depression, depressed mood, loss of interest in life, inability to concentrate, insomnia, allergies, arthritis, asthma, headaches, disturbance of chemical equilibrium in the brain, back pain, neck, joints, gastro- gastrointestinal tract; aversion to food or vice versa, bulimia, skin disorders, sexual dysfunction, increasing the likelihood of cancer and cardiovascular disease. No accident that the UN report states: "In the 20 century, stress has become one of the greatest challenges in medicine." 
Continuously growing amount of information, including the negative socio-economic difficulties, the abundance of man-made electromagnetic fields, radiation hazards, unbalanced nutrition in most of the population cause stress response to the above factors. 
In recent years opened many physiological and biochemical mechanisms of stress. Among them there is great importance in strengthening the oxidative reactions in the organs and tissues induced by environmental hazards. This process is accompanied by a significant increase in metabolic products in the form of free radicals. The latter, having extremely high activity, interfering with metabolism, disrupting the mechanisms of metabolism and energy. 
The main culprit violation balance of oxidation in the body become oxidative stress. The term gained widespread scientific acceptance. Study of the mechanisms of oxidative stress, as well as The development of tools to reduce by scientists of many countries. "Oxidative stress" - etopatologicheskoe state, which can be regarded as a common pathogenetic link of any pathology. It is clear that any weakening of his ways to normalize metabolic homeostasis - more precisely, its oxidation-reduction level, should promote the improvement of the body. 
It is known that free radicals - is unstable chemically active particles. Having an unpaired electron, they attack other molecules, destroying them. Mechanism of action of free radical chain. If the effects of free radicals was subjected to DNA which comprises the genetic code, and stores all the information that allows the cell to function normally, the violation of the genetic code can lead to cell death or degeneration into malignant. 
Excessive accumulation in tissues of free radicals - the cause of pathological conditions: cardiovascular diseases, psychosomatic disorders, etc. Oxidative stress - one of the reasons for declining life expectancy, premature aging, the development of apathy and depression. 
Since the destructive processes caused by free radicals, basically, are oxidative in nature, they can prevent substances called antioxidants or oxidation inhibitors. Organisms in the process of evolution have developed ways to combat free radicals, including those with natural antioxidants, which are in the cells. On mechanism of antioxidants are divided: to reduce the rate of initiating a chain reaction and extinguishing (interrupting) the development of a chain reaction. 
Oxygen free radicals - the main form radicals, which are the cause of more than 60 severe disorders in the body. 
Due to the high oxidizing ability of oxygen to the cells can spontaneously without enzymatic oxidation of various substances, leading to a one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen. 
Generated superoxide anion - radical, very dangerous because in the dismutation reaction, he may become a source of hydrogen peroxide, which, in turn, is recovering, gives hydroxide - OH radical. Hydroxide - radical can oxidize any matter cells, including DNA. 
The cell has a system of protection against free oxygen radicals, consisting of: 
But for the synthesis of enzymes necessary substances called cofactors. Antioxidants - are cofactors selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, bioflavonoids. All of these substances, except for selenium, are present in the Persifene. 
Peroxidation (auto-oxidation) of lipids in contact with oxygen - a branched chain reaction, providing the expanded reproduction of free radicals that damage cells and tissues. Natural antioxidants in this case are the vitamins C and E, beta - carotene is present in "Persifene. 
The process of lipid peroxidation - an important and powerful element of regulation of cell activity, and any violation could lead to the pathogenesis of various diseases. The sharp activation of lipid peroxidation in response to exposure to numerous harmful factors is accompanied by a fall in activity of antioxidant systems of cells violation of neurohumoral regulation and microcirculation disorders, leading to destabilization of the functioning of organs and body systems. 
However, with the help of free radicals, the human body fights viruses and bacteria, ensuring the normal functioning of the immune system. This is their positive role. 
In conditions that generate oxidative stress in the body when the internal system of protection against free radicals and the concentration of natural antioxidants are not sufficient, free radicals attack cell membranes and blood vessel walls, causing various diseases. 
All the world is oxidized: Starts taste bitter oil, iron rusts, we humans grow old and sick. There are two ways to reduce the adverse effects of oxidative stress: 
The drug company "Art-Life" Persifen "combines a possible impact in both directions, as he, on the one hand, it has a stimulating effect on the number of vital functions, in particular inhibits the activity of free radicals, and on the other - he has a set of vitamins and natural antioxidants. 
In November 1993, in Mexico, Cancun was the first scientific conference of the American Academy of medical anti-aging. Throughout history, from the time Hippocrates, doctors have always carried a clear distinction between disease and aging processes. The disease was considered a deviation from the norm. Aging, the natural course of things, such as inevitable as the sunset. Doctors treated the first and reconciled with the second. Only since 1993 has been recognized that the aging process - also a disease. It is a disease, a progressive and degenerative, affecting every cell, every tissue and every organ, which inevitably ends in death. The revolutionary concept of American geriatricians is that aging is treatable. 
Antioxidant vitamin complex "Persifen" is not only useful for preventing cancer, heart disease, gynecological disease. Its action slows the aging process of cells. 
It is known that the aging of the immune system weakens. This is the cause of frequent infectious diseases, as well as the increasing number of cancers in the elderly. Recent studies conducted by renowned immunologist R. Chandra showed that the use of low doses of vitamins and antioxidants drastically reduces the incidence in the elderly. 
To date, marked by widespread zinc deficiency in the diet: the average person gets less than 9 mg per day, at a rate of 15 mg. 80% of zinc is lost in the processing of grain into flour. In frozen vegetables zinc lost by 100%. 
The average age of the thymus gland, which plays a crucial role in the body's immune system begins to decrease. This leads to a decrease in hormone timulina, which creates a fighting disease T - cells. Many studies have shown that daily intake of 30 mg of zinc rejuvenates the thymus gland in people older than 65 years. Developing timulina developed, and the human body younger. 
Zinc plays an important role in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids DNA and RNA. Zinc deficiency leads to atrophy of the thymus and violations of cellular immunity, suppression of phagocytosis, lymphopenia, decreased activity of natural killer cells, a sharp decrease in resistance to infection. Zinc has a strong antiviral effect by blocking the replication of viral nucleic acids. 
Established the important role of zinc in the synthesis and secretion of insulin. 
Epidemiological studies show a significant correlation between zinc deficiency and the occurrence of esophageal cancer (153.183). In Western countries, zinc - the main means for the treatment of SARS virus and other diseases. A very important element for prostate cancer. This element, as has been said above, also present in the product "Persifen. 
Cause premature aging and free radicals. It is estimated that for a 50 - year more than 30% of the protein in the cells from the constant attacks of free radicals becomes "rusty garbage." Particularly vulnerable are the fat molecules, which are often a lot of blood cell membranes. What happens to our bodies like a piece of meat that was too long outdoors in the sun. "The reaction of free radicals in our body exposes us to something like a constant exposure to radiation. They just us breaking open ", - writes Lester Parker - a biochemist at the University of California. 
If the antioxidants in the body is not enough, the person is in a state of oxidative stress. This imbalance is destroying the cells, the amount of damage accumulates, and, over time, manifested in the form of various diseases and aging. Consequently, the first and most obvious remedy - to receive an adequate amount of antioxidants. 
Gene Carper wrote: "The people who take antioxidants, mortality from any cause by 50% lower survival of cancer by 50% more heart attacks and strokes by 50% rarely, skin cancer is 70% less. Immunity increases, the likelihood of infectious disease decreased by 50% and the risk of cataracts is reduced by 27-36%. " 
Antioxidant activity "Persifena was proved using a unique method, developed by scientists from Tomsk. Method for determination of antioxidant activity of multicomponent systems "model reaction of initiated cumene oxidation. 
The method is based on the ability of antioxidants to inhibit oxidation of cumene initiated azobisizobutironitrilom, a powerful synthetic prooxidants. 
Under the influence of "Persifena" induction period (blocking free radicals) in the hitch 2mg "Persifena" is equal to 59.9 minutes, whereas the process of blocking the action of the complex of plant extracts is less pronounced, and the induction period is only 8.5 minutes. 
Our studies show that the BAA "Persifen" as a source of exogenous antioxidants that have potent antioxidant activity. 
Previously, the polyphenolic antioxidant activity of complex compounds of peach leaf used to study at the Institute of Biochemical Chemistry. NM Emmanuel Russian Academy of Sciences. Antioxidant action of the drug was compared with that of a standard sample routine. 
The results of these studies suggest that the complex polyphenolic compounds contained in the leaf of peach, is an effective antioxidant, compared with an antioxidant effect, shown by the extracts and tinctures of known medicinal plants, shows that the complex polyphenolic compounds contained in the leaf of peach, is superior to its activity, most of them and shows the antioxidant activity of the same order as the extract of radiograms pink. 
If you build the antioxidant activity of a decreasing chain of the subjects of plants, it will look as follows: radiola Rose, Siberian ginseng, motherwort, Aralia, valerian, zamaniha, lemongrass, ginseng. 
Studies have shown that the herbal preparation polyphenol nature of the leaves of an ordinary peach has a pronounced ability to provide a stimulating effect on all parts of the immune system: phagocytosis, cellular and humoral immune response. 
The drug significantly increases the number of cells and antibody titer in a wide range of doses. 
Stimulates the process of phagocytosis of pathogenic agents. 
Has the ability to protect the immune system against the damaging action of chemical agents. 
The drug, injected before exposure (CP) - cyclophosphamide, almost completely protects the phagocytic immunity. 
The drug protects the immune system against the damaging effects of stress and protects cells of the immune system by inhibiting the action of cytostatics. 
The drug has pronounced adaptogenic properties, has a bracing effect, increases efficiency, resistance to adverse environmental factors, reduces pain sensitivity, protects the body from the negative effects of stress. 
In Research an experimental diagnosis and therapy of tumors Cancer Research Center. NN RAMS was evaluated the antitumor activity of the drug (complex polyphenolic compounds leaf peach usual). 
The study is designed protocol, is presented in Annex statement in which, inter alia, states that the drug, an extract from the leaves of peach, does not have a direct antiproliferative effect and when administered into the stomach in a large range of doses did not stimulate tumor growth in mice. 
When prophylactic use prior to transplantation of tumor drug inhibits growth adenokortsinomy mammary gland of mice. 
Prophylactic oral administration of the drug for 10 days before inoculation of tumor adenokortsinomy breast cancer in mice, Ca - 755 mice resulted in inhibition of tumor growth, with every fifth mouse tumor did not develop at all. 
At the preclinical evaluation demonstrated the absence of drug mutagenic, allergenic, teratogenic activities and embriotroksichnosti. 
My thirty years of experience with drugs of a peach tree, as well as practice and a large amount of collected material, the results of preclinical and clinical assessment indicate a high efficacy of peach tree (complex polyphenolic compounds) on the basis of which was developed jointly with scientists from Tomsk Company "Art Life "drug" Persifen.

Persifen - a drug with systemic effects.

Applying it, the patient usually gets rid of it other than symptom or disease from other symptoms and diseases, often seemingly unconnected with the ongoing course of treatment. 
As shown by the materials Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine" (Moscow, 2002), which is characteristic for the violation of oxidative stress regulation of free radical processes that accompany the development of a variety of serious diseases, united by the term "free radical pathology." These include cardio - vascular system, bronchopulmonary, eye diseases, various toxicoses, diseases of inflammatory genesis, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, cancer, premature aging and so it is natural that the existence of such a broad range of pathological conditions in the etiology of the pathogenesis of which an important the role played by free radicals, makes a useful searches for any way to inactivate the latter, based on the weakening of oxidative stress. 
It is obvious that to limit the damaging effects of free radicals should recommend any impact, leading to activation of the biosynthesis of endogenous antioxidant enzymes, or the appointment of exogenous antioxidants. 
As shown by special studies of the Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences and Tomsk scientists who developed the method for determining the antioxidant activity of multicomponent systems "model reaction of initiated cumene oxidation. 
The highest antioxidant activity of the drug as "Persifen" determined its constituent exogenous antioxidants, bioflavonoids complex, trace elements (zinc, copper, manganese, silver, phosphorus), vitamins C and E, beta carotene, as well as the ability to activate endogenous oxidative enzyme systems. Therefore, it becomes obvious successful universal complementary use of the drug "Persifen in general medical practice with a large number of various diseases. 
So, for example, the drug "Persifen, the use of which is a classic example of the universality of non-traditional methods of complementary rehabilitation, are implemented, both prerequisites to explain the wide spectrum of its affirmative action: 1. Compensation for deficiency in the body are important for normal functioning of micronutrients, especially vitamins, trace elements and a complex of bioflavonoids contained in its composition. 
2.Oslablenie oxidative stress, which is considered as a pathogenetic link that is common to all types of pathology, because it develops for any health problems. 
And in this sense, there is every reason to consider the drug "Persifen" as a kind of panacea, relying on his undoubted efficiency as a universal means of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.  
Under what helps pathologies Persifen.  
Influenza, acute respiratory disease.  
Respiratory diseases. 
Bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.  
Diseases of the gastro - intestinal tract. 
Gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, dyskinesia of the biliary tract, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis.  
Cardio - vascular pathology. 
Atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, endarteritis, stroke, congenital and acquired heart defects.  
Oral disease. 
Periodontal disease (topical, applications).  
Chronic tonsillitis. 
Granulosa pharyngitis. 
Rhinitis (topical - to dissolve the capsule in ½ teaspoon of water). 
Chronic sinusitis (local use - as well). 
Chronic sinusitis (Local use - as well). 
Otitis media (dissolve capsule in ½ teaspoon of water on turundas).  
All of gastro - intestinal tract. 
Acute and chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis.  
Proctology. (Local, capsule - the rectum at night). 
Proctitis, paraproctitis, chronic constipation, rectal fissures, hemorrhoids.  
Diseases of the genitourinary system. 
Cystitis, prostatitis.  
Kidney disease. 
Diffuse glomerulonephritis. 
Cystic kidneys.  
Gynecological disease. 
Fibrosis - cystic breast, uterine fibroids (up to 9 weeks or more), adenomyosis, menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome, hypermenorrhea, chronic inflammation of the uterus, cervical erosion (local), endometriosis, coleitis, candidiasis, menopause, infertility. 
Metabolic disease. 
Diabetes mellitus, no diabetes, pituitary adenoma, endemic goiter, nodular goiter 
diffuse - toxic goiter.  
Bronchial asthma, bronchitis. 
Bronchitis with astmokomponentom. 
Acute and chronic respiratory diseases, pneumonia. 
Gastritis, cholecystitis, nephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, otitis media (local, capsule - to ½ tsp water to turundas), salmonellosis, mononucleosis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis (local), stomatitis (locally inside), allergies, sore throat, diathesis , intestinal dysbiosis, diarrhea, constipation, tubverazh - Mantoux test (receive recommended 1,5 - 2 months), tuberculosis, leukemia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, liver cancer, tumors of the optic nerve, a brain tumor.  
Recommended dosage: 
1 year: 
capsule to dissolve in the 4 - teaspoons of water, one teaspoon twice a day; 
from 1 to 5 years: 
by ½ capsule twice a day; 
from 5 years to 12 years: 
by ¾ capsule twice a day; 
12 years: 
1 capsule twice a day.  
For each particular case is recommended to consult a physician nutritionist. 
In the post operative period, "Persifen" promotes rapid rehabilitation. 
Healing trophic ulcers, burns, and fistulas (Local, capsule per 5 ml boiled water).
