Probinorm - restoring the balance of intestinal microflora, the active prevention of dysbiosis and its clinical manifestation.

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In the process of life and human adaptation to adverse environmental factors, naturally occurring changes in the system "human body - the normal microflora. Therefore, intestinal disorders are encountered not only by the absolute majority of patients with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, but also for many other diseases of internal organs, systems, and the skin that must be considered when choosing the tactics of complex therapy.
Biologically active complex "Probinorm" contains the substance of useful bacterial cultures required for the normal functioning of biological systems, "the human body - the normal microflora. It demonstrates the opportunities and benefits of innovative biotechnological approaches to the production of modern vysokoaffektivnyh bacterial preparations Receipt of several species of friendly bacteria in the beads to the site of localization and function under the protection of the shell, the simultaneous transportation of bacterial cultures and the complex factors of nutrition, growth and regulation in bacteria contribute to the fact that the engraftment natural microflora biocomplex happens as quickly and fully. Normal microflora of the human, in particular, gastrointestinal microflora is an extremely important value obschabiopogicheskoe intestinal microbiota is a highly organized system that is responsive qualitative and quantitative changes in the dynamic state of human organism under different conditions of life, health and disease. 
Useful microflora has a number of vital functions to ensure the maintenance of an optimal level of metabolic and enzymatic processes, general and local immunity, colonization resistance, anti-toxic effect, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic protection. Normal microflora is regarded as a qualitative and quantitative ratio of populations of microbes that support the biochemical, metabolic and immune balance of the body "boss" needed to maintain health. In the digestive tract of a present to the 100 trillion bacteria, and they constitute the whole microbe-tissue complex formed microcolonies of bacteria, produced their polysaccharides, intestinal mucus, and food components, epithelial cells and stromal cells of the mucous membrane. Within such a complex microbial-tissue complex between microorganisms and epithelial lining of the intestine is a constant exchange of genetic material, regupyatornymi molecules, many a vital products of secretion and metabolism, which not only provides formation of individual variants of the normal intestinal flora, but also a close, mutually beneficial interaction between the human body with the intestinal microbial coenoses. ultimately - the health of "owner" as a whole. In this case, the intestinal microflora is constantly and rapidly respond to changing and not always "nice" state of the internal environment of the microorganism (eg, hypoxia, zashlakovku, lerekisnoe oxidation, toxins, lack of micronutrients and HR.) Deterioration in their metabolic activity, as well as quantitative relations in the microbiota. Particularly important for the functioning and survival of microorganisms has the composition of plasma components of blood flowing directly into the parietal area of the mucous membrane of the colon. Therefore, activities for the activation of metabolic processes, the functioning of the excretory organs, and regular cleaning of the internal environment (endoekologicheskeya rehabilitation), which when working with patients and healthy individuals, we pay maximum attention, are important for normal functioning of the intestinal microflora. Violations attributed to the normal microflora disbakteriozvm. 
Intestinal dysbiosis - a clinical and laboratory syndrome occurs when a number of diseases and clinical situations, which is characterized by a change in the quality and / or quantitative composition normoflo-algebra defined biotope and translokatsivy its various representatives in the unusual species, somatic, metabolic and immune disorders accompanied by a variety of clinical symptoms. In this case, violations of the structure of the intestinal epithelium and subsequent changes in mucus production and composition as the main habitat of the normal parietal microflora lead to a change in relationships within the microbial community, and in "the human body - the normal microflora as a whole. Tech we come to understand the most important provision that the change of intestinal microflora encountered not only by the absolute majority of patients with disorders of the digestive tract. but also in other diseases of internal oravnoe and leather and a variety of pathological conditions (atherosclerosis, hypertension. heart failure, cancer, arthritis, urolithiasis, gout, asthma, allergies, dermatitis, dermatoses, connective tissue disorders, anemia, coagulopathy , intoxication, and many others) that need to be taken into consideration when selecting treatment tactics and include programs liver complex means to restore the microflora and the environment of its habitat. Relevance correction microbiota caused by the fact that developing "secondary" disbioticheshie changes in intestinal flora become an independent factor for aggression, "trigger" a vicious circle and cause the deterioration of the clinical course of their disease causing Therefore, there is no doubt that the correction of the gut microbiota should be the basis for prevention and the basal component of therapy, the absolute majority of human diseases. 
Treatment of patients with intestinal manifestations of dysbiosis should be carried out comprehensively, given the nature of the disease or condition. against which any manifestations of dysbiosis. and should be directed to the treatment of the underlying disease, the elimination of factors causing a violation of the normal microflora and the restoration of qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora. You should specifically recognize the clinical significance of human consumption of adequate amount and composition of dietary components, which are the main source of prebioticheshih substances. In particular, in the daily diet of an adult must be at least 30-45 g prebioticheshih substances (dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, etc.). whereas in our country, the daily need of the population in fiber and pectin is satisfied by only 1 / 3 ... 
In recent years probioticheshie drugs have been increasingly used in the treatment of pathological states occurring on a background of broken normal microflora of the human body. 
Probiotics - are living micro-organisms and substances of microbial or other origin. providing for a natural way of introducing the beneficial effects on physiological functions, biochemical reactions and the condition of the body through the optimization of its microecological status. Probiotics are able to ensure the replenishment of lost functions when expressed shortage of natural normal flora and a strengthening of the Inland demand of the functions and properties that are needed at a particular stage of liver or rehabilitation after suffering a certain disease (antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms , vitaminoproduk-tion, the production of essential amino acids, enzyme activity, the recycling of bile acids and cholesterol, immunomodulation, and others) Probiotics in particular have been successfully used in combination with prebiotics - natural dietary fibers. They are converted by enzyme systems of the normal microflora and selectively stimulate its proliferation. increased functional activity, survival and increase their populations. The best known prebiotics are Covenant on for inulin and other fructo-oligosaccharides. However, bacterial preparations taken by mouth, on the way to "habitual residence" significantly lose its activity and is destroyed. especially under the influence of aggressive environment of the stomach, adverse conditions in the gut or under pressure from pathogenic organisms. As a result, the large intestine and enters prizhivlyaetsya no more than 10% of those taken by the beneficial bacteria available on the market today BAC preparations. 
Biotechnological approach used in the production of "Probinorm" allowed to circumvent this obstacle: the drug developed and manufactured by a unique patented microencapsulation technology with the creation of a protective acid-resistant membranes (beads) around the biomass of beneficial bacteria and the introduction into the microencapsulated substance of special nutrient medium from the probiotic components, vitamins B, para-aminobenzoic acid and amino acid cysteine. This enables many times more effective settlement and prizhivlyaemost microflora, increase biological activity and life time of beneficial bacteria. Another innovation is the introduction of this ecosystem enzyme na-Pain in pellet form, which promotes a "revision" of the intestinal contents, pizisu detritus, improve digestion and create the best conditions in places of settlement and the functioning of useful microorganisms. Thus was born the innovative complex drug "Probinorm", which is unparalleled on the technological approach, the composition and clinical effectiveness: emergence and stability of the complex probiotic microorganisms close to 100% at 8.10 CFU / g. Adequate dosage of a biological product, the optimal number and ratio of viable microorganisms per capsule complex, rigorous process chain from biomass of bacteria to manufacture the drug itself, the conclusion lrobiotikov in a protective capsule biopolymer can save at least 1 * 6.10 CFU / g of viable bacterial cells all over the declared expiration date of the complex. The composition of the drug "Probinorm" includes the most famous and persistent types of acido-, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, complementing and reinforcing clinical and biochemical effects of each other, in particular, the degree of adhesion (prizhivlyaemost) to the intestinal mucosa, antibiotic properties, production of inflammatory cytokines, secretory products 1Yes, interferons. pieotsima. In numerous clinical studies and experiments clearly demonstrated that regular maintenance of sufficient quantities of well-functioning normofpory provided largely lactobacilli and bifidobaktvriyami significantly reduces the risk of tumors of various localizations. 
The results of clinical trials biokomplaksa "Probinorm" 
Explore the possibility of use, portability and performance evaluation of probiotic complex Probinorm "held at the Department of Internal Medicine SSMU, Tomsk in patients with metabolic syndrome, whose clinical and bacteriologically diagnosed with dysbiosis 2 tbsp., Antibiotikoindutsirovanny. A comparison group received a well-known probiotic "Bifiform" (set bifidobacteria and enterococci). 
The following results: 
1. When you receive 2 capsules of "Probinorm has already been reached on the sixth day of the positive dynamics of coprogram: significantly reduced the number of mucus, decreased the amount of undigested fiber, especially fiber. 
2. There has been a relief of clinical manifestations of dysbiosis and digestive dysfunctions noted cessation rumbling flatulence, increased gas production, abdominal pain, improved appetite and tolerance of raw vegetables and fruits. And a good therapeutic effect with the normalization of stupa marked already the fourth day of the liver in 90% of patients receiving "Probinorm. and by the end of the sixth day of treatment all symptoms disappeared dysbiosis. 
3. As a result of a three-week course of bioactive complex Probinorm "there was a normalization of intestinal microflora imbalance (number of lactobacilli increased from 10.6 to 210.8 cfu / g. Bifidobacteria - from 10.4 to> 10.8 CFU / g). In this case, against growth of microorganisms that constitute the natural gut flora. decreased number of opportunistic, transient and significantly reduced the number of pathogenic forms, and a number of indicators (level of recovery of lactobacilli. the degree of inhibition of staphylococci. clostridia and abundance of opportunistic aiterobvhtery) biokoyp-Lex company Artlife compared with pharmaceutical preparations showed the best results. 
4. Normalization of microbial ecological community positively affected and immunological indicators: reductions achieved inflammatory activity and normalization of immunological tests (significantly decreased the concentration initially increased immunoglobulin M and G). 
5. Biocomplex "Probinorm" has shown the ability not only to restore the microbial balance and maintain it at a physiological level, but also provide a systemic effect on the body, as evidenced by clinical data eliminating persistent subjective complaints, diofunhtsy digestive disorders and stool of patients with serious somatic diseases. During his reception was watching "is also a noticeable improvement in the skin of patients with symptoms of dermatitis. 
6. In this case, "Probinorm has shown good tolerability and no adverse clinical and laboratory effects. 
Thus, "Probinorm" - a multi-probiotics 
He has a proven clinical affect: applications for therapeutic purposes of "Probinorm" 1 capsule, 2 times a day for three weeks in patients disbakterioeom leads to relief of clinical symptoms simptomokomllehsa, improvements! coprogram indicators. normalization of intestinal microflora and improve the immune status indices studied. The introduction of the drug and growth factors that maximize engraftment of bacteria and stimulate the processes of reproduction of bacterial colonies, explains why in clinical trials "Probinorm" shows better results than some well-known pharmaceutical baklreparaty. 
"Probinorm" recommended: 
• to prevent the occurrence and correction of dysbiosis; 
• Chain restore the balance of intestinal flora after antibiotics and chemotherapy; 
• when the digestive dysfunction, malabsorption and food digestion; 
• Integrated host defense against pathogenic bacteria and viruses 
• in order to maintain the immune system, natural antibody levels and local immunity; 
• to reduce the risk of allergic and skin diseases and tumors. 
However, the general biological systemic effects of probiotics are members of the innovative complex, allow us to recommend "Probinorm" for the treatment of pathological conditions and diseases occurring on a background of broken normal microflora, for correction of intestinal dyspepsia, intoxication and pain syndrome in patients with chronic diseases of the digestive tract liver, zhechnogo bladder, pancreas, patients with food-toksikoin large unfinished agenda. parazptozami and gepmintozami, urinary and broiho-pulmonary system, etc. In this competition the normal flora of the drug with pathogens for food substrates leads to inhibition of clostridia and enterobacteria. are among the major pathogens of hospital and àíòèáèîòèêîàññîöèèðîààèèîé diarrhea. Due to this the effect of prophylactic use of the drug can prevent, for example, translocation of pathogenic organisms from the gut. reduce the frequency and reduce the duration of episodes of diarrhea in persons on a stationary liver, parenterally fed, to prevent recurrences of candidiasis in women. Reception set for a few days before departure and during the trip will significantly reduce the incidence of traveler's diarrhea. This probiotic formula may be included in the scheme of treatment of chronic constipation in elderly patients, it is extremely important to reduce the severity and reduce the frequency of side effects during chemotherapy in patients with brain tumors and leukemia, to improve somatic status of cancer patients, the maintenance of immune status and to prevent their possible infectious complications. Acceptance of "Probinorm" is very important in pre-and postoperative periods, with anemia, giperpipidemiyah, atherosclerosis, various forms of immunodeficiency. exposure to harmful environmental factors and production of alcohol intoxication, when changing diet and so on.

"The art of being healthy," N. Zhevachevsky, Novosibirsk, 2009
