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What are dental veneers

, 18:14
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Everyone probably at least once in life testingL is an extremely unpleasant sensation, like a toothache. About as unpleasant and sometimes unbearable, once again reminded not want to, except that in order to farewell or moralizing. But clearly, that any of the living dream of a cherished and extolled by all channels of snow-white Hollywood smile. Unfortunately, the majority of residentss our country can hardly boast is not that snow-white, but at least a complete smile, not to mention the perfectly smooth contours of the teeth. Most of our fellow citizens have such violations "standard" as a violation of the colors, shades, shapes violation of individual teeth and dentition as a whole. Of course, if you need to quickly solves problem of form or obviously non-white shade, the traditional methods of bleaching and correcting this will not be achieved - this requires more than one session and, accordingly, one day spent on treatment. Radically change the appearance of the teeth in a short time you can only use special ceramic plate overhead - veneers.

Description and types of veneers

Veneers - a decorative plate that are attached to the outer surface of the tooth and replace it with the outer layer. Thus you can create a perfectly smooth dentition, which meets all the wishes of the client, both in form and color. Use of veneers allowsyaet quickly make a correction of teeth, increase their strength and protect against outside influence. Veneers are classified according to the material from which they are made from it, by the way, it depends. Today distinguish two large groups of veneers:

  1. Ceramic . The classic type of veneers that are made in the laboratory. A method of manufacturing (layering, casting, milling) selected in each case individually. Manufactured veneer pattern is painted in the right tone and is fixed to the tooth with a special adhesive composite. In the classic version, before the SETovkoy veneer surface preparation of the tooth, which grinds it to the desired size. In recent years, technology has been proposed making ceramic veneers that do not require grinding of the tooth - the so-called Lumineers;
  2. Composite . This type of veneers made from composite materials, and unlike ceramic models require a minimum layer of enamel removed. These veneers are more durable and long-lasting (average service life, usually 3 to 5 years).

In addition, veneers to classify the type of installation in two groups:

  • Direct or therapeutic veneers . This group is made of composite veneers on the spot, in the dentist's chair ;
  • Indirect veneers . It veneers of ceramic masses,composites, zirconium oxide, which are produced in a dental laboratory. They are stronger and more durable than previous.


The use of veneers allows for a relatively short time to solve the problem of correcting the shape and color of the teeth, to prevent premature ruptureDental solution, eliminate some of the defects.

Author: Artlife
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