Replacement joints in Rovensk?
operations for joint replacements for ten years successfully doing in Rivne central city hospital. This type of surgical interventionstva relatively new for our country, and the complexity of their experts equate to open-heart surgery. However, Rivne doctors proudly ascertain - most conducted arthrologic operations were successful. Today, artificial joints, staged in Rivne, go over two hundred former patients of the cityHospital. This amount could be much more, - says head of department arthrology George Chekhovich. Doctors can thwart the lack of money.
- We have successfully mastered the replacement of the hip (hip) and knee - says Chekhovich. Basically, these operations are performed in patients suffering from slaughteringLevan joints or those who have their mechanical damage. Unfortunately, to carry out such operations once all patients who need them, we can not. Artificial joints are procured centrally from the state budget. A financing of this direction is rather limited. During the year we can spend for publicmeans only 5-10 such operations. So today there is a place for patients to state security. Approximately 20 people. The total number of operations carried out in the city hospital, is already nearly four dozen a year.
to provide the patient in turn do not need to be recorded - they cant buy artificial joints for money. The cost of these joints varies from 1,500 to 3,000 dollars, depending on the design and quality.
Since last year, Rivne doctors have mastered a new technique for hip replacement using a pair of « metal-metal » endoprosthesis « Magnum-2 A & raquo ;.Such a prosthesis has a longer service life. In western states such operations, local doctors began conducting the first, and today remains one of the few. Also last year, the opportunity to conduct more such operations. For the regional budget has been acquired is necessary for this type of surgical vmeshatelsTwas a set of medical instruments to local doctors for every transaction had to be ordered from their colleagues in the capital.
In general, according to Mr. Chekhovich, need arthrologic operations is quite high. At present, the region has more than 30 000 people who are in need of replacement joints. And the foundationsrated it - the elderly.