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Useful properties of Sophora japonica

, 17:14
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Japanese Sophora yourself focused is very important for our health substances that will help to strengthen our body and restore skin youth. This plant can safely be called a source of healthy vessels and beauty. His deservedly admired both in folk and official medicine. Sophora japonica are widely used for the manufacture of drugs, and in cosmetology - for the manufacture of medical cosmetics. If you zainteresovat it you can read on the website: And then we will consider what is the value of this plant.


Latitude of action and rich composition

the Fruits, leaves and buds of Sophora japonica contain a huge amount of flavonoids ( up to 30 %). Flavonoid composition is represented by derivatives of kaempferol and quercetin, and rutin. The fruit of this plant is rich in substances with P-vitamin activity, fatty oil, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, glycosides. For external use this plant has a very strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. It should be used in infectious lesions of the oral mucosa, skin and vagina and trophic ulcers. When acne rashes, the extract from Sophora japonica fruit can be more effective than antibacterial medicines.

to prepare a tincture need to get 70 % rubbing alcohol and quality raw materials. Next, grind the fruits of the Sophora and take two tablespoons per 0.4 l of alcohol. You need to insist 10 days. Ready tincture is used topically in dilutions varying degrees. For example, for strengthening hair need to dilute with water (1:1). In addition, the diluted tincture is also used with: periodontitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia and vagina.


Young skin

In cosmetics, this plant is used in: disorders of microcirculation, rosacea, pustular lesions. Age changes of the skin of the fruit of this plant can stop the aging process, increase local immunity, protect cells from negative environmental impacts, increase the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

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Author: Artlife
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