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Hair care in summer

, 20:23
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summer hair Pay more attention than usual. Summer hair requires increased attention, because losing a lot of moisture, it becomes weak and begin to split. Therefore, in hot weather, hair needs care is aimed at moisturizing.


Use special means for protection of hair

Now have a large selection of tools for hair care, it is difficult to select the right oil or spray with protection from harmful sun exposure and additional moisture.
If you are going on vacation, take a protective spray or spray that reflects the sun's rays, and sbryzgivaja their hair before going outside. Use moisturizing masks and conditioners. If possible cover your hair with a hat.


to select a suitable vehicle, seek advice from a professional

to select individual funds to protect the hair during the summer, you can seek the advice of the salon. The wizard will advise that it is better to buy, given the features and type of hair. It is very important to make the right choice, and to determine the type of hair is difficult.


in Summer, colored hair needs special care

Hair that are injured after dyeing in the summer requires special attention. Under the influence of sunlight colored hair lose color, fade. Just before you go on vacation to be painted should not be, so as not to hurt the hair twice, because the scorching sun and heat and so cause great harm.


After the holidays should undergo rehabilitation treatment at the salon

After the rest of the sea is to undergo rehabilitation treatment at the salon and cut off the dried ends. In our salon doing hair reconstruction with the use of a vitamin-protein complex on a natural basis, which helps to restore hair structure - opens the scales, nourishes hair with vitamins and proteins. The number of treatments depends on hair type, some need 3 and some need 5-7. Recommended to undergo reparative therapy twice a year. If not restore and moisturize hair after the summer, it is exhausted, and by the autumn will become weak and will begin to rapidly fall.


Care for your hair constantly

in Order to have beautiful hair, you need to use high quality shampoos and conditioners all the time, regardless time of year, once a week apply a moisturizing mask and to protect your hair from the harmful effects.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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