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Nstrukcja for zastosuvannya drug "Dolobene Gel"

, 01:20
0 2570

Dolobene - TSE drug soundname zastosuvannya, to warehouse yakogo to enter the complex active recover. Vypuskaetsya sasb have wiggled prozorovo the gel tubes. More details, read on Sait: .


Warehouse preparation:

  • heparin sodium;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • dexpanthenol.

Dwellers > du gel, necessary, razganata VSI skladov Yogo component separate:

  • dimethyl Sulfoxide. Snma sapolin, Procesi, naraki I wolod McEvoy nablyudayu do. Pid hour yakogo m zapalenia in tkaninach virossa great klastech hedrocel radicals, that SDAT, rainawari, tkaniny, navkolo. Active rakovina DMSO prignu h the operation I supine zapalne processes, and takozh snma naraki. Bolovi syndrome snigula that for rakhunok scho zavdyaki d, recovery snigula prodnct of belovich nullsv in neurons. DMSO also improves locally PDSR metabolon reacts. Duca rakovina spree more effective I deep manual problems NSIH lorsica zasobu, if zastosowanie h odnochasno z Dolobene gel;
  • Heparin. Got proteasomal wlasciwosci, Spry Shvydko regenerat, spolocnych of tkanin zavdyaki pregnen d gaurangi. Nada antithrombotic effect, that zaleite from prineto dozy I pochine of date W 300 MO / yr When soundname zastosowan heparin smokets in Nesmachny Mr;
  • Dexpanthenol. Precauci in scro, rakovina perevorota in pantotenovu acid Yak nalezyty to wtamu groupie V. effektivnost For Dexapantenol can porwnanie z Pantothenic acid. Pantotenova acid to enter to the warehouse And coenzyme I bere fate in RSNA anabolic I catabolic processes in tkaninach.

Pokazana to zastosuvannya

Dolobene gel priznachena for soundnode zastosuvannya at nastupna symptoms:

  • hematoma, naraki, zapalenia m yakie of tkanin, Suhail, m ASV, suhozhilnyh PHV;
  • I hit them. secret, traumi;
  • roztashuvannya Suhail the first contact;
  • epcedit shoulder, tendent (zapalenia of suhaila), tendovaginitis, bursite;
  • gastro neuralgia;
  • periarthritis of plechanova zagloba.

Nstrukcja for zastosuvannya

Dolobene gel applied to the surface SCRI, bezposrednio over postojano Delancey 2-4 Razi on the day. It should be not swannery gel, zakrivat POV askou. Necessary Pachacuti pokey gel povnistyu Pronina in scro, and next vzhe are Robit hermetico the Tugu POV taught. Dolobene, zastosowanie when fisioterapeuta procedures (electrophoresis) pid cathode. Takozh Yogo vykorystovuyutsia fonoforez quality when in contact to the gel. The active zavdyaki recoving tarskogo zasobu zblast lcoally Efekt od ultrazvukove terap. Trevally d drug zaleite from symptoms zacharovanna.


vicorian Dolobene gel in rdcny vipadkah Maglev some pobon of avisa:

  • Swerve, pacerone, Pena. The TSI avisa usually, after senecaut, svecana to the drug in podelcoma zastosowan;
  • Kropyv Janka;
  • the smell of Chashnikovo s company scho vilicus dimethylsulfide;
  • it's Bloated Quence;
  • SMA smakova vdott, yaki Shvydko, senecaut after naneseniya Dolobene gel;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Utrudnione Dianna;
  • Fever;
  • Grown bol.


the Preparation of protipozarni at:

  • Serious porushenych of work niroc I pechenki;
  • Bronhialny ASTM;
  • Zacharovannyj cercavo-Sugino system;
  • Vakrita wounds and injuries;
  • Watnot I pid hour breast vigotovlennya, Yak dimethylsulfoxide got vlastiti predicate I velatice z grudnim milk;
  • Nduwa cutlist to components zasobu;
  • help children together to claim five years takozh not rekomendatsi of priznachennya looking tarskogo zasobu.

Osoblivi ukazi

Dolobene nanosite it should be on the good ochisanu from cosmetics I lorsica zasobu the surface. Not dopustiti potraplyannya gel in Ochi NS, mouth, otkrit Rani, opci, posleoperazionny rubs. During the period of treatment for any disease should be unikati, pramik, Sonyachna promenu and Solarium, so Yak zblast photocatalyst I can otrymaty Silin opci. When vincken, abagana scrna proavp it should be Prienai zastosuvannya zasobu. Not rekomendatsi to use Dolobene in joined s himi ointments, or creams.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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