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What you need to know when renting a car in Ukraine

, 18:55
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to Rent a car in our country is no longer a problem. The basic is to follow the simple rules and make the right choice. The experts made a review of several Ukrainian companies (that 1st caught the eye in the search results), which provide rental services of cars, and came to certain conclusions.

If to speak about the services we offer, all of them are standard:

  • auto, voditelej;
  • a car without a driver;
  • for a surcharge, you can order equipment such as child seats and navigation system;
  • you can also get the right to drive the rented vehicle 2nd driver;
  • to purchase additional insurance;
  • “off” the limit on daily mileage;
  • to lower the bail amount.

in addition, there is a great diversity in geographical coverage. Often, the number of cities where this service is available, in addition to the capital of Ukraine that includes Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odessa. Here are the leaders Sixt and Hertz, have offices in 11 cities. By the way, if you are interested , I advise you to use the services of RACE.

But the pricing situation is much wider — on the Ukrainian market, the prices are very much scattered. So in Ukraine the cost of rental of an economy class varies between: 30 - 100 euros per night. But, the cost of renting for 24 hours is not rate, because when renting a car more than 4 days rental fee, often very much reduced.

1-they are short, there is plenty to choose from. But whatever the company that rent a car to rent, taking advantage of their services must comply with General rules which are topical both in Ukraine and in Europe.


Rules brendirovanie car:

  1. to Reserve the car in advance of need;
  2. Paying the rent by credit card, you need to keep at it the amount, at least 2 times greater than the cost of car rental;     
  3. On insurance it is better not to save and to issue additional types;
  4. when Ordering a car you need to remember that it is often provided by the machine will have a manual transmission, it is because those who are accustomed to a “box-machine” in any case you should get a couple of lessons drive automatic transmission;
  5. be Sure to pay attention to the kind of rubber that shod rental car;
  6. Getting a car be sure to review all the prominent to the naked eye defects and compare them with these flaws in the act of reception and transmission of the vehicle, otherwise, for all “new” that defects will be pay it to you;
  7. Using a rented car, you need to meticulously observe traffic rules, because the companies often are “black list” violators of traffic rules, and it may well be that the next time you will simply refuse to rent the car;
  8. When operating the machine, always it is necessary to have a passport and driver's license, because their absence can lead to a fine;
  9. do Not smoke in someone else's car, because even left in the ashtray cigarette butt can lead to a fine;
  10. find Out whether your rental company restrictions on daily mileage, and if they have pay for their removal, otherwise for every extra namatanai "km" you will need to pay, and a lot;
  11. it is necessary to Return the car with a full tank of fuel, otherwise the car hire company will fill the missing volume of fuel and will charge you money for it. And the cost of this gasoline will be much higher than at gas stations;     
  12. if possible, return the car to the rental place should be in working time, since the output of the receiver of the car on the weekends or after hours at extra cost. In addition additionally, you will have to pay also for the delivery of the machine in a different city, even if there is an office of the company in which you have irenderable car.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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