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Vybiram elektroshoker

, 11:51
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To rinku today views great assortment suchasnih models electroshokers s duzhe rsname tennie characteristics, Sered yakih mozhna Pdet sobi naybilsh chodai, orts on svo? bazhannia I consumer. By the way, pridbati sobi elektroshoker you can .

For yakimi parameters need storage electroshocker?

the Basic parameters electroshocker, that uplyvayut on choice potencia pokuptsiv, je rosmeri tsogo attach, potent I type vykarystouvac in the nom sources jillanna. Yea, of course, and some INSHI vdnet shockers mizh themselves, but they RDCO swartout your attention.

  • Naybilsh tatrabanka varauta, shakeri s categor of kishenkova, I rsmr Vaga yakih porwnania s Moblie phones. Butts such vyrobu mozhut Buti model “Tornado-2” or “GMS-403 mini”;
  • Other group skladat, electroshocker, vicodan have form Kiku rskogo rozmiru I the Vaga. Nails popularity have pokuptsiv corestauti the Kiyko-sokari “OSA-801» I «Wasp-1001" devinoy hope 25 see the shape of the I dimensions of the stench nagabuchi calavi folding umbrella ABO btw, ergonomy ako vdmn pidhodit to mcno coloco hands.


If govorito about the type Dzherela jillanna, TSE ABO batteries, or batteries (one ABO be called a few more). Of course, the more batteries prakticni, Yak Mauger dati blsu number rozryadu. Ale for budgetary shockers nails pthalate batteries, although Vigoda is there to dosit umowna.

in addition zaznacheny wise characteristics state znachennya for Shocker got potent Yogo to the book:

Fallow od tsogo of pokajnica electrosolv bristro podelyatsya three clasie:

  • Perche Klas - TSE, elektroshoker nivida paternost, that with proper vicorian garantovano neutralzone whether yakogo agresora, whether it be man or son of a bitch. Agresor otkluchitsa 10-30 minute, and if taking into account those scho VIN not napadat re-Chi want, bude tsogo more than dostatno, schob uniknot development of nebezpecna situac. Trevally d TASE in this case not guilty perepisyvat 3 seconds, but usually viscacha, Manchego hour class senior degree;
  • the
  • Elektroshoker other class paternost zabezpechiti practical taqiy same vpliv on the agresor, but for desagana potrebnogo the effect need more time. And vplivali necessary on naybilsh Breslev msca on tili lyudin. To another class of shockers otnosatsa model «Wasp-88”, “GMS-403 mini”, “Tornado 2”;
  • the Third class of shockers vpliva on agresora more psychologiczne, Yak got slabkiy elektricni a shot. However, vdouble elektricni the book: agresivno Dallastown lyudin ABO tvarina, score for strema sviy fuse I don't want araratica on nebezpeku.

Sasnashen wise ViDi I categor electroshokers necessary ocenivat s posits h srucnoc for the future of vlasnike

For povsyakdennogo koristuvacha naikrashe pthalate Kisenkov Razsadnika, that can be an in kichen I keys ABO trimate in the glove box automoble. Such pristrom to dosit zvichayniy I sovsem not strahclyde estimation scho to zabezpechiti effect nespola when h vikoristannya.

Middle Kiku-elektroshoker it should be fidelity model, yaki toil visoko potent I bike mcnasty scho dozvola of udariti agresora not only stroma and Yak zvychayno Mace. TSE - ‘the Bumper 2014”, “X8 ​​Full Metal Vip”, “OSA-A1 Metal Vip”.

Cheema koristuvach vdate Periago easy I kompaktni Shocker pershoho class scho Varanasi vysokou pateint: “OSA-800 pro» I «Wasp-910 VIP” and also “Storm-5 pro” and, of course "TW-309 Cheetah II” .

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Author: Artlife
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