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Vaccination at home

, 11:04
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Effective vaccination gives some guarantee of prevention of viral diseases. Of course, the guarantee is not absolute, but the percentage is from 75 to 90. Sometimes vaccination is not fully exempt the child from disease, but the disease is in a very mild form. 

If You don't know, or have found the right place, but the child refuses to go to the medical center, there is a solution! It is now possible to implement vaccination and at home! And if an adult is not in need of home teaching, for parents with children this service is more than relevant.

At the medical center Patronaje.EN vaccinations are only allowed with the use of vaccines from domestic or foreign manufacturers. 

Doctors vaccinology must have the following competencies:

  • Awareness of parents and their children about vaccines;
  • the
  • Examination of young children under the age of one year;
  • the
  • drawing up a personal plan of vaccinating a child;
  • the
  • information about the most modern vaccine formulations;
  • the
  • Detailed examination of the child before the designated day of vaccine administration.

the Benefits of vaccination at home

  • Vaccination at home – it is the most convenient method, which also ensures the risk of infection through other patients.
  • the
  • Home health services saves time. You can order the service by phone and appoint a convenient time and day. No need to take the weekend to work or to be excused from strict boss. If the schedule is already made and days are painted, You don't have to spend time on the road to medical facilities-doctor-vaccinologist will himself come to You and carry out the procedure of vaccinating Your child! 
  • the
  • Individual approach to every client-the patient-are the main advantages of calling a doctor at home! The doctor will answer all questions slowly, because for You there is a huge queue of patients. In addition, experienced vaccinology will make the vaccination the child quickly and efficiently that he won't even have time to realize that it came a doctor.

Thus, calling a doctor – this is useful not only for You but for the child! 

Contraindications to vaccination

However, it should be remembered that even for vaccination are contraindicated. 

  • to people with acute infectious diseases vaccine should not be given;
  • the
  • because you can't do the grafting for people with Allergy to vaccine component (e.g. egg protein);
  • the
  • is contraindicated vaccination of people who have exacerbation of chronic disease;
  • the
  • - those people who have previously conducted vaccination was discovered adverse reaction.

Before vaccination, the doctor will examine and inform you about the possibility or impossibility to carry out the vaccination of a particular patient.

Vaccination – safe and voluntary action. Vaccines are purified in several stages, and their composition is constantly updated, because from year to year the flu virus mutates. So the vaccine worked, requires new formulations, which are we working scientists in laboratories across the country. Children can carry out vaccination at six months of age.

Adverse reactions after vaccination are not usually observed.

the Benefits of vaccination

to summarize, it can be concluded that the process of vaccination a lot of advantages:- the acquisition of immunity to viral diseases;- few age restrictions; - vaccination is a voluntary process;- vaccination;- strengthening of the immune system.

we Wish You and Your families health. But only self responsibility for your health can ensure a healthy future, and advance disease prevention will allow to be always in the best shape.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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