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BL to popereka: scho need to know?

, 11:41
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push stroke life pain spin Strada 80% of people. One s naybilsh castic reasons suffer spin - TSE trauma m yakih of tkanin (contact, m ASV, capsule suglobov, sinovialnah of obolonok suglobov). The volume ruhv have grebt to dosit great. Scrip vsih ruhv segments of Chi hogo vddlo ridge zabezpiecze neobho rulist m yakih of tkanin without injury. More details about BL to popereka us respost spivrobitnyky kislogo the centre for health protection keeps the Kiparis: in yakomu you dopomozhut Yogo usnote.


If Vinica?

Ble to popereka Vinica with transcendent Rusi, perenapravit I tram m ASV I contact. For example, when pdim Veliko vagi ABO nutracea Rusi in chribt iz Savoy ampltude. Glibc tkaniny ridge ryasno-krovopoterej and good nervous. That in tram ridge Shvidko Vinica's bloated, that supraforums pain.

BL have spin - TSE pcvista ripple W side of belovich receptors m yakih of tkanin range. Below, receptor - TSE most nervou zakonchena two tips: mechanonociceptors , demonolatry. Mechanonociceptors ridge reaguoti on mehanna Sena give tkanine; the stench restalaan in powernap of suglobova bags, MSCI prikreplenyj fascia, m ASV I contact.


Bologna znachennya sick

Vono polega in fact scho VIN signals about NavNet poshkodzhennya. The result tsogo signal reflectora neruhomist range for rakhunok local m Azuaga spasm. The essence in fact, scho yakscho continue reading the movement travbana segment ridge, trauma Politica, tbilisisa's bloated I BL shte bude blsim. The fact BL I spatny m azovi of the spasm reflex, without the participation svidomosti person omegu movement in chribt s Tim dwellers not dati Politica zapaleniu I get sick. Suge tactics lkovalenko processes: hi in yakomu Razi not be manpulate on hrbt in gotri period ache. It likuvati zapalenia I, tilki after tsogo Maglev whether that procedure (if nayavnost those pokazani). Pokazana vyznachayetsya the way opituvannya, since pacta, dagnostika for z'yasuvannya sick reason I proposed factors, that prizvodit to wintenna sick.


Methods dagnostika

Cause ache in chribt can pobachiti on MRI, with x-ray dignostic I navt when ultrasound-dozen range. Have read most cases potribni anali (especially, if not duty proteasomal preparati, fisioterapia, manual therapy, blockade).

there is the toll-Dumka, scho MRI TSE ninali method dagnostika. TSE is not sovsem. Duzhe bagato nformat doctor Atria when rentgenological absteigend I in in such clinic difference-Yak: the history, the character of skarg, Waranty Perego zacharovanna, features TLA the first person skeleton, Waranty biomechani ridge that Ninh kncok. Features budowy ridge, Waranty Yogo development, some bomann features, yaki mozhut sprite poav suffer spin vyznachayetsya for DOPOMOGA x-ray I klinskogo to look around. For example, when pavesini mobilnost hrebs Mauger vdevice periodthere m ASV I contact sure aparata (especially zadnjo pastavino contact yazki I capsules shlamovogo complex), overload ASV m s sputm razvitka so zuanich mofazzal syndromw. Travalena capsules suglobov got dagostini criters be called a few more.

If the MRI shows NavNet Greg ROM, you need Rospatent, Chi - grija of the disk the main reason for rooting? Nerda of Griga - TSE "visible part of the iceberg”. Not posite . vidalet, if absent on extrema pokazani.

Ble to popereka - TSE, folding processes, yaky vimage pravilno once bagatoh factors dostanou dagnostika. Yea three the challenge in lchavan Realt:

  • Ustanoviti the right diagnosis;
  • Usnote the cause of the hurt;
  • to Do so, dwellers BL not povtoryatsya - TSE smut the challenge Realt profilaktiki.

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Author: Artlife
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