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The tumor marker CA 19-9: razshifrovka analso

, 22:47
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Proposed tumor marker CA 19-9 (Carbogen antigen) a method of scho at lyudin dozvola saptasati razvivatsa pdsolve salasi cancer (carcinoma) that INSHI patologiche Stanny.

takozh Tsey anals DOPOMOGA ocenivat effektivnosti treatment I mozliwosci development of recidiva slojno novootvoreni.


What this means 19-9 CA?

CCB vpershe veleni in 1981 year at hvorih s takovim processes the intestine I pdsolve salasi. For hmoney structure tsya rakovina glyoprotein yea, that vids puchline.

Zvert pay attention: the CA 19-9 POV'yazanyy z one z blcv a groupie crow (protena Lusa), scho znahoditsya on the surface eritrotsitov. Have italv Caucasus VIN genetiche vdate, to tsogo type of people no the Sens vincati Danny tumor marker.


Viavai this tumor marker can be in:

  • clothing pdsolve salasi;
  • klutina the elements Govoni flow;
  • slonkova-tiskovou tract (slizova slonka, Tolstogo intestine);
  • atella clothing uterus;
  • ducts clinic sales;
  • perempuan sales.

tumor marker it turns out to norm have VMT secret pdsolve salasi, log in to the warehouse AVC, viznitsa in family ANO rdini. Zbilshennya znaceni CA 19-9 can spostarti the health of people and also in dobroje patholog.

the rate of tumor marker CA 19-9 znahodytsya within the limits: od 10 Od / ml to 37 Ml / ml.

Zvert pay attention: 19-9 CA is not vykorystovuyutsia in quality primary analso for proposed cancer pdsolve salasi, Yak VIN is not specifcy ) , Priceline outlive only to slojna otvoreni.

Specifcity analso kolivas within the limits of 75-100 %, and cutlist znahodytsya in dapson 68-93 % scho in great vasatko most cases Mauger dati poselkovy dagostini result.

Practical patwardhan scho when polaznika CA 19-9 WISE 1000 ML / ml in 96 % most cases mova Isla about inoperable puchline.

For sposterezhennya oncolog, if after the conducted treatment level of efficiency of tumor marker padav I don't zblast, vigilante pactv Bula nabagato widow first dousou, than have a quiet one riven znachennya analso naresta.

I all well, zbilshennya tumor marker can nastorozhit lcara has to. clinic symptoms and scarg ailing, and also to appe oznak pohlen scho vyyavlyayutsya when rentgenografii I radovanic methods dozen.

it's important: for the control of the conducted treatment, efektivnost nedostatek use only proposed tumor marker CA 19-9. Neohd dodatkow stringof methods.

Zbilshennya vmesto tumor marker it turns out Garnier pdorow lcara when priznachena schemes of treatment.


Yak it seems I ochnulsya anals?

ACOs osoblivo ​​of preparation before zdachi analso not need. Ale for be called a few more hours before analcom Varto trimatic from Kurna. Least there not vivaty alcohol, not STI smagen I kopen jedlo, Varto takozh od trimatic prana I.

SABR crow sdissues s Veni. The material next in order termnology peredaetsa for holding analso in the lab.

Once of atrimana rezultatu be conducted only Lorem, yakogo besides the difference analso , VSI domest about pacta. Obov'yazkovo vrahovuyuchi of scary, don klinskogo to look around, the history of development of zacharovanna s polnimi of data involving laboratory analtv. Osobliva znachennya toil of visnovki favc, that conducted the investigation nstrumentals spetsialni provocatively methods dagnostika. Not negotiated for atrimana resultats Sirauti Council s predstavnik declick specialties.

Zvert pay attention: zblizenia znachennya when the tumor marker is not it should be vdras update to switch off. Necessary prohoditi away obtienne I sposterezhennya have favv.

according vipadkah at the pattern of cancer pdsolve salasi concentration of CA 19-9 Mauger Buti normal ABO newt snizheniu.

Cancer pdsolve salasi often Vinica in dosit young VC, after 30 years. Tsey view slojno processes otnositsa to one s naybilsh vakulinchuk. Treatment takozh Yogo to dosit Tradate.

Tom duzhe it is important to correctly I in pounamu obsas use dawn in prakticni charity Fund medical methods.

In their vastness adreset the tumor marker CA 19-9 are all one Neda nezanu posluga loram RSNA specialties.

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Author: Artlife
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