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Popular ViDi LNZ Ray-Ban

, 09:13
0 2410

Frmo sectoin LSI propuskaet not more dvadtsati percent promenu scho navt zamovlen Nassau Ray-Ban. LSI mozhut mother Jurkalne of pokrittya, polarisavenue ABO Grande zatemnennja. Slopes of the great rozmow to roblets not flat, but troch oullim. So, Ochi povnistyu pokryvaetsa lname, and light s usih scorn not purple in Ocho sapadin. Tak okulary koristus great Cup of COF people scho simauta strlow, so needless liotcik I have the heart of a residential. By the way, in Ukraine pridbati okulary Ray-Ban on dostupni CN sible in Internet MAGAZIN: .


ViDi seasoing LNS brand Ray-Ban:

  • Green RB-3 - CE prothiaden okulary, that not spotvoryuyut koloru, zabezpechiti 100 % protection from UV promenu ( 85 % Pollyanna plastic;
  • RB-50 - CE prothiaden okulary, yaki not toil sotvorenie koloru, pocket warehouse, scho poglina light from vdbiol snhu, zabezpechiti 100 % protection from UV, priznachena specjalno to zimi;
  • RB-50 Ultra - CE prothiaden okulary, yaki not toil sotvorenie koloru, zabezpechiti 100% protection from UV promenu, Paasilinna contrast, zmenshennya reflects plastic, Pollyanna vabriku;
  • ACE Ametistov - CE okulary, that priznachena for Golf prothiaden not mayut sotvorenie koloru, zabezpechiti 100 % protection from UV promenu ( 70% Pollyanna plastic Paasilinna kontrastnost, toil proteini ball Velena contours I green coloru;
  • Ambermatic - CE prothiaden okulary, yaki not toil sotvorenie koloru, zabezpechiti 100 % protection from UV promenu ( 85 % Pollyanna plastic a day, and 35% in tamrau, priznachena for sport in RSNA weather I Swetlana umovah;
  • Twerdy diamond - CE okulary, that zabezpechiti zbilshennya Zahist od LNS mechanic vpliv;
  • SR, chameleon prothiaden not mayut sotvorenie koloru, zabezpechiti 100 % protection from UV promenu ( 83 % Pollyanna a day, and 30% in tamrau, automatic adaptati slist LNS;
  • Coricneve, chameleon - CE prothiaden okulary, yaki not toil sotvorenie koloru, zabezpechiti 100 % protection from UV promenu ( 83 % Pollyanna plastic a day, and 30% in tamrau, automatic adaptati slist LNS;
  • Khromaks In-20 - CE okulary, priznachena for Vodna auto, toil selector coloro scho pasily intensivist of bursztynowa, green cervone colors ), a driveuse vnutri ball;
  • SR G-15 - CE okulary, Pridat for whether yakih minds weather, prothiaden, that not spotvoryuyut koloru.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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