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Checkup: What it is and where it can go?

, 20:04
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most Likely, you will not find a single person who liked to visit doctors, not with the realties of a serious disease or poor health. Unfortunately, this “dislike” leads to a very late detection of different serious diseases, when the disease is treatable with already a huge work. Annual Wellness visit is a great alternative to such developments, otherwise – the person is waiting for medical examinations.

Most people the checks are perceived as something that takes a lot of time and nerves, because in order to pass, must enroll in clinic, stand all day in a very long line, and then go to the doctor for a few minutes to disburse the tests.

But whatever it was, the time and money you can spend on annual health checks will be a few times smaller than those that you can spend for therapy of late disease was found.

For Russia the main danger are cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and its complications. These pathologies very difficult therapy and according to the statistics found when beating the disease becomes either impossible or very expensive.


Checkup: Where to go?

Pass a baseline medical examination in a private medical facility (in SPb is "Madprofessor", see website or the city of the clinic.


what doctors have to undergo an annual examination?


  • Doctor No. 1 for both women and men, who must visit at least 1 time a year is a therapist;
  • the
  • in addition the Ministry of health also recommends that every year undergo a hearing examination by otolaryngologist to determine the visual acuity by an ophthalmologist;
  • the
  • If you take into account the current epidemiological situation of this disease as tuberculosis, it is not strange that the Ministry of health advises every year to do x-rays of the chest;
  • the
  • Also worth a visit endocrinologist and at least 1 time in two years to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • Every year is to visit the dentist; the

  • Women necessarily 1 time a year it is necessary to visit a gynecologist;
  • the
  • Women over forty years need 1 time per 2 years to do an x-ray of the breast (mammography), and the representatives of the stronger sex, ultrasound of the prostate;
  • People older than thirty years should undergo a rectal finger examination by proctologist; the

  • People over forty years old is worth at least 1 time a year to do an ECG and a visit to a cardiologist.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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