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Causes genator have kids. Dagnostika

, 22:15
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"Slaughter cervone koloru or from pozitivnim result of Hb on the test astrakhans guilty Buti pdana mcroskey dwellers paternity hematuria (> 10 eritrotsitov in poli Zora at the great zblan). Glomerular hematuria harakterizuetsya korichnevo Sich, deformability eritrotsitami (yaki asking, Oskolki baseline passing through the membrane), cilindrada I often supraforums procedure", - respond the head editor medychne portal .

Hematuria z more distally vdlv sacovini slajv harakterizuetsya usually red with coloram, sustris on the cob ABO noprint sechovy setsavepoint not superbogatite procedure , " is not typical for kids.

NFCC sacovini shlyahu - TSE Nicastro reason gemtor, although RDCO Vaughn presents Yak the only symptom. The history of zacharovanna I lukarski look around mozhut, prepustiti diagnosis, for example the history semeynogo uralsu, jade ABO traumatic ouragenda.


Causes genator

Aglomerare causes gemtor:

  • PECC (bacterial, vrpn, tuberculos, schistosomiasis);
  • Trauma gently, sacovini slajv ABO of niroc;
  • Mahakam Jan hvoroba;
  • Puchline;
  • SKA;
  • Porsenna hemostasis;
  • Thrombosis nyrkova Veni;
  • Barcelona.

Glomerular causes gemtor:

  • Gastri glomerulonephritis (usually z protenor);
  • Granny glomerulonephritis (usually z protenor);
  • IgA nephropathy (Berger hvoroba);
  • Smani (spatcave) nephritis;
  • Hvoroba Tonka baseline membrane (dobrotka simeyna hematuria).

Biopsy niroc Mauger Buti shows you if:

  • yea recidivous gross hematuria;
  • yea PDSR on spadkami nephritis;
  • yea porsenna functions of niroc;
  • run complement her postijno pathologie;
  • yea protenuria.

Dolce when genator

everyone knows, what does pacta be carried out:

  1. Mcroskey sec (phase-contrast) and cultural docen;
  2. Block I excrete calcium;
  3. ultrasound of niroc I sacovini slajv;
  4. Seculine, plasma, electroltic, creatinin, calcium, phosphate, black;
  5. Powny anals crow, proposed vmesto trombotsitov, coagulogram, string for the SKA.

PDSR on glomerular hematuria, conducted:

  1. MAJOR, VMT component the complement of I, antikink contact atouch (antinuclear) antitila;
  2. Smear iz svu I titre ASLO;
  3. Antigen hepatitis b;
  4. Biopsy niroc (pokazannaya);
  5. Dolce materinske sec on NavNet crow (if PDSR on Alport syndrome);
  6. to get through to ostrotu hearing - audigram (if PDSR on Alport syndrome).

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Author: Artlife
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