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How to get rid of hair loss at home with aloe Vera

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Every day hair is exposed to heat, sunlight, aggressive shampoos and end up losing a well-groomed appearance, are discolored and fading. About how to maintain health and to bring back the Shine of hair, will tell that story.

Magical properties of aloe Vera

Many people like to grow plants on the windowsill and admire them every morning, but besides the beauty, some of them can boast of useful properties. The hero of this article is aloe. hair treatment you can also in the Thai online store.

Main properties of aloe Vera

  • fortification;
  • the
  • growth stimulator;
  • the
  • food;
  • the
  • moisture.

And to this day people love this plant for several unique factors. Aloe Vera is especially revered among people who have problems with baldness, as the plant is able to resolve this issue. Fresh aloe Vera juice — this unique hair growth stimulant, they strengthen, moisturize and protect from breakage. The main factor is the correct use of this product. For those who have aloe Vera growing at home, there will be no problems with the preparation of useful masks. But even in the absence of plants at home, it can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

aloe Vera

first we need to cut the lower thick leaves, well washed from dust and dirt, wipe up, wrap in towel or cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 days. At expiration, the leaves need to get, to cut off rotten and throw them, and normal use for a mask. The sheet is cut across with a spoon and goes to the juice. Then filter it through cheesecloth and you are ready to use. It is important to know that vitamins and useful minerals is able to evaporate, so the juice should be used as soon as possible because the vitamins are in aloe for another 2 hours. It is necessary to apply on the scalp with massaging movements continue to spread throughout the length. Then insulate and walk an hour, and for best results leave overnight. Also it is recommended to mix the juice with other useful components, such as yolk, honey, oil, and essential oils. After the first mask you can observe the splendid result. Hair dazzling Shine and radiance. When making this type of mask for several months, 2 times a week, hair will be filled with health, Shine and stop falling out.

Aloe Vera with hair loss

As mentioned earlier, aloe Vera juice helps people suffering from baldness and severe hair loss. To resolve this, not a pleasant problem you need to liberally RUB fresh juice on the most problematic areas of the scalp. Such manipulations can be done several hours before shampooing. For best results, the aloe juice you can add onion and ginger juice, burdock oil and egg yolks. In addition to using masks, you should not forget about proper nutrition, eating nuts, fruits and vegetables, and to drink a day not less than 2 liters of water. To preserve healthy hair, not damaged by silicones, it is recommended to change harmful shampoos, natural sulfate-free. Beauty starts from the inside.

Natural hair products from Thailand .

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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