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Field herbs as medicine

, 12:56
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Now, even in the most minor ailments, people immediately ran to the shopand buying prescription drugs without thinking about the harm they cause to the body. However, there are a number of drugs, which are based on all the forgotten herbs, such as mint, St. John's wort, thyme and others. And, as it turned out, such funds are not worse than synthetic.

The main pros and cons of herbal medicine

Herbal treatment is considered non-traditional method of medicine and has a huge centuries-old history. Many medicines are made on the basis of extracts from plants. However, the benefits of herbal medicine research has not yet been proven.

    Herbs have a number of advantages and disadvantages:
  1. The great advantage is that the herbs are very rarely cause side effects. Therefore their use for treatment can be long enough.
  2. It is very well suited to deal with chronic diseases as well as the reception period may be prolonged.
  3. A further advantage is the bottomKaya cost and wide availability of drugs.
  4. The disadvantages include the fact that herbal medicine more slowly affects the disease and works by the cumulative effect.
  5. There is no clear dose, which complicates treatment.
  6. When collecting herbs is worth remembering that you can easily get poisoned if not understand them well.
  7. Nekotorye herbs contain toxic substances and should be taken very carefully.

Whatever the pros and cons of herbal medicine, but linden tea or chamomile just nice to have a cold and wet autumn, and brew, you generally get a cure 99 diseases. In the treatment of herbs remember that zloupotrFucking them is not worth it, since they are all the same medication.

Author: Artlife
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