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Applicators and types

, 22:59
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Probably not a man on earth who does not know (though not literally) the phrase" motion - a life. " Movement promotes normalmu functioning of all body systems, including the most important of which - cardiovascular, muscle, bone and nerve. But, unfortunately, the way of life of more than half of modern society has a right hypodynamic character. Low mobility of the population is caused not only by the presence of a large number of distractions (as many othersogochislennyh gadgets), but also the functioning of the working environment, which has operations in more locations. Stiffness, constant stress, poor diet causes the development of many diseases, which are based on a metabolic disorder. The most common and associated group of diseases provokeop ponents, physical inactivity, are disorders of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, arthritis, protrusion, hernia, etc.). For effective disease prevention and rehabilitation uses a group of devices with common name applicators. In general, a flexible plate of different configurations, on one side of which is applied to pins of different oddswe alternation. At the heart of the applicator is reflexology, ie point impact on the reflex points of the body. There is in this (mechanism of action) similarity with acupuncture - the art of acupuncture. By the way. In today's market, there are two most common groups of applicators that have both similar and differsences:

- Kuznetsov Applicator. Russian design, which has the form of elastic or plastic plates on which fixed studs plastic blocks. The principle of operation is to point stimulation area applications;
- applicators. Ukrainian design, which has a rubber basis in whichfixed metal spikes (stranded, zinc, iron, silver, etc.). Has a twofold impact, combining reflex component (like applicator Kuznetsova) and galvanic electrical or microelectrophoresis in the skin.

Author: Artlife
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