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How to choose a knife?

, 01:22
0 2339

Knife – your indispensable assistant in the kitchen, on the nature, hunting or fishing. Thanks to himyou for a few minutes can chop vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and also hold a series of no less useful procedures – peeling potatoes, fish, improvement of equipment for fishing or hunting.

How to choose a knife, so you can easily realize these goals? And what criteria knife trailis to evaluate the very first place?

base material . It – the first selection criterion. Depends on it:

- the practicality of your purchase;

- its lifetime;

- the scope of application.

The best option – stainless steel knives. It – an indispensable tool in the kitchen, hunting, fishing, as well as wood carving. These products are not afraid of moisture and extreme temperatures. Plus, there is that they do not rust. These will last you at least 10-15 years.

Sharpening . Currently, the market offers the following types of knives:

- with serreytornoy sharpening (sharpening a saw, but without a proportional spacing between the « teeth & raquo ;. This – great assistant in cutting rope, mesh, leather belts);

- with a classicdnostoronney sharpening;

- with double-sided sharpening (this knife will appreciate the buyers who are looking for a knife with a piercing character).

pen . Today you can choose from wooden knives with plastic or metal handle. Each – has its own specifics and features ekspluatation. For example, wood – an elegant design and long life, but only under the condition that the handle will not come into contact with water for a long time. Otherwise pen knife and darken quickly fail.

Size . The choice of this criterion depends on the scope of the districtAWO. Hunting and fishing needs knife that takes up little space. In the kitchen, such restrictions to anything. You can opt for cutting meat and vegetable knife impressive size, through which cooking takes the least time.

Author: Artlife
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