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Recipes tasty salads

, 12:17
0 1989

Salads are a good meat to keep your zdorovt that figure is in excellent condition. - It is an integral attribute of any housewife magazine recipesand. So, your attention is invited to some very tasty salads that useful.

Salad « Tiffany »


  • Chicken;
  • A handful of almonds;
  • 100   g of cheese;
  • Sprig of grapes;
  • Lettuce;
  • 3 l. mayonnaise;
  • 0,5tsp. curry, salt.

How to prepare:
fillet cut into several pieces, rub with curry, salt, then you need to fry it in vegetable oil (required from both sides to 6 minutes). Then take a dry frying pan and fry the almonds start, crushed in a mortar or you can grind in a blendere. fillet cut into cubes, rub the eggs and cheese. Grapes cut in half, remove pits. When you need to put lettuce leaves on a particular dish, fillet, make a grid of mayonnaise, sprinkle with nuts, put cheese mixed with mayonnaise and eggs, which are also mixed with mayonnaise and cover the surface of the grape halves.

Salad « Goblin »


  • Chicken;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 450 g mushrooms or other fungi;
  • 0,3 cup walnuts;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • olives for decoration.

How to prepare:
fillet boil, and it must be cut into small pieces. Onions and mushrooms also need to crumble in a skillet and fry separately. Cheese and eggs need to rub on a grater, which has a large hole. Mix all the ingredients, add the nuts and mayonnaise. Then do putting some layers.At the center of the flat plate recommend to put a glass or bottle, and around it you need to put some of his salad and   flatten with a spoon, so that it does not crumble. A bottle or glass must be removed, and the salad garnish with greens and olives.

Salad « a king »


  • 150 g pork;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion,
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • Carrots and beets;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • 80 g of nuts.

How to prepare:
Prunes need to pour boiling water and let stand for 30 minutes. Then, well,zhno drain the water, and cut into medium-sized pieces of prunes. Boiled potatoes, carrots, eggs and beets. Cool, clean. Boiled meat and potatoes cut into small cubes. Next you need to grate with large holes beets and carrots. Chop onion finely and julienne eggs, respectively. Grate cheese with small holes. Next you need to chop nuts.
Put on a plate layers:
Potatoes - Mayonnaise - Bow - Meat - Mayonnaise - Carrots - Prunes - Nuts - Carrots - Mayonnaise - Beets - mayonnaise - eggs - Mayonnaise - Cheese.
You can upload salad in a bowl, by placing the layers in reverse order, and then turn the finished dish on a flat plate. Not at allBe garnish with greens, peppers to make rings and a rose from the carrots.

Salad with smoked sausage and cucumber


  • 3 fresh cucumber;
  • 250 g smoked sausage;
  • 1/5 cabbage;
  • The greens;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • salt.

For the filling you need:

  • 4 tbsp. sour cream;
  • Black pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. French mustard spoon.

need to shred the cabbage, cucumbers, peppers and sausage cut into strips, chop the greens. Mix the components of the filling, fill with fatt.

Author: Artlife
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