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What are the kinds of repairs

, 11:59
0 1996

Flat - it is home to the majority living in largeor more small towns people. Of course, the apartment is not is a four walls and floors where you can sit out bad weather. The apartment if it really belong to the house - a room or set of rooms in which to create much-needed every one of us comfort, convenience, comfort, and other conditions that can be implacce their basic needs (to cook food, wash, go to the toilet, etc.) and personal desires (watch TV, relax, etc.). In this case, the bare walls and you will not manage anyone trying to create in their apartment some individual style, to create a specific interior design, under which selected furniture, household oneshnika etc.

Fortunately today we have access to information and content, and to appropriate technologies to create unique interiors. But such is our nature that man is unstable and its desires, and preferences vary from time to time (in the modern world, where information and ideas predostatochno, this inconsistency appears punctually). This leads to the fact that from time to time a person is faced with a real or internal need for repairs in the apartment. Among the most real and common reasons for undergoing renovations in apartments are the following:

  • The need to remove small or large defects or damage in the apartment;
  • The need or desire to replace or install separate elements (eg, plumbing appliances, glass balconies and t. N.);
  • Create notneed for comfortable accommodation in a just-purchased apartment.

Types of repairs

In analyzing the above reasons, it is possible to form a specific list of repairs that will vary the cost and scope of work:

    Cosmetic . This is the least expensive of all kinds. It usually involves the replacement of old coatings (Wallpapering, plastered walls and ceilings, replacement of windows and doors, lighting, and so on laying laminate. D.);
  1. Overhaul . This type of repair is carried out when the room itself and its internal communication (plumbing, drainage, window , doors, floors, walls, etc.) are in really poor condition;
  2. Euro . It is a complex work that complexity and volume can occupy an intermediate position between cosmetic and major repairs. Its purpose is to complete the transformation of apartments, creating a unified design concept with the use of modern technologies and materials;
  3. Elite . It is a complex repair work using expensive materials, technologies, equipment, furniture, professional approach to the design and the corresponding result of the elite;
  4. Repair in a new . This is a complete relist of repairs or rather work on the creation of interior design, which is carried out when buying a home in a new building.


Everyone, sooner or later face the need to do something in his apartment to change, both on the practical necessity, and in a purely conceptualnom reasons. The whole process, which will take place from the idea to its implementation and results will repair the apartment.

Author: Artlife
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