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Growing demand for natural cosmetics in 2015.

, 11:38
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The demand for natural cosmetics every year is growing rapidly. Studies have shown Grand View Research companies, and Kline, the demand is growing and expanding faster than the market of natural products. To be more precise, over the last six years, the growth reflected in double-digit figures.

Of course, it should be noted excellent work in marketing, which places greater emphasis on the utility of the natural product. And as consumers willknowledge and understanding of what harm the body carries a synthetic product.

Trends organic cosmetics

As it turned out North America and Europe swiftly developing in the rest of the organic plan. And are great centers of production.

If watching last year's figures for 2014, the US soldAli natural cosmetics 7% more than the entire global market. If we talk about Europe, there was a 6% increase in sales of organic products.

According to reports Google's 2015 search queries eco-products increased by 35%. And if compared with 2011, the three times (!).

In Ukraine, despite the difficult economic situation, still theki, there is a marked increase in the consumption of the natural product.

Stores of natural cosmetics in Kiev offer a wide range of products. Through quality service and efficient operation of sales assistants, customer is easy to pick up items of interest to him. Research that was carried out by   in April 2015, showed that the traffic of online stores ranging from 100 to 1,500 visits a day. And this is a pretty good indicator. Best sellers of natural cosmetics through online stores, shared information on their sales for the last year has doubled. is explained by increased demand nand eco-friendly products that increased awareness of the buyer. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle, is now in the trend. Also, it should be noted that Ukrainian consumers are increasingly trusted by Ukrainian manufacturers of natural cosmetics. But the trend is "Kupuy ukra¿nske" found in a review of millions of patriots.

Thus, increased trade, and onAfter scrutiny, updated range of eco-cosmetics.

Buy natural cosmetics wholesale and retail can be, at the same time ordering, delivery to your city.

Author: Artlife
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