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Repairing a car with AUTOSKLAD

, 09:05
0 2319

One of the most beautiful final chord automotive refinish itself isXia staining of individual parts or the entire car just completely. Today is our day of its most popular two types of color: metallic and acrylic. below.

Auto Painting in metallic

metallic coating technology is currently more complex and it requires special careand their preparation, of which always becomes more expensive and very prestigious.

Even after the applied coating and a good primer and sanded all you need to degrease the entire body of the car, just to further improve the adhesion of paint to all of the treated its surface. Obezzhirivanj should always be carried out with a very clean cloth moistened with cleaning agents is that you can buy a simple auto shop, and a large piece of cloth to wipe the surface of the well is dry after the end of all your work.

After this difficult operation in order to avoid the so-the appearance of it all greasy to touch your car just hands is not recommended. Degreasing step should be blowing the car with high-quality ventilation and that you remove any debris from the car, including even the tiniest speck of dust remaining after grinding it. But even the longest and powerful blowis not enough, so after it should always wipe the body of the special high-quality cloth to collect all the dust.

Application base paint

Now, you can always start a good application you previously prepared by mixing all the main component and a solvent base paint-yourand. Best of all it's always good to do three layers. The first two it is applied, without paying any attention to uniformity of all   colors and all the strips. All these layers are needed, in particular, to hide blemishes simple soil. The third layer is always placed after the complete drying of previous good of all layers.

With ethat everyone uses a unique method of spraying, as there always is necessary to achieve the most perfect uniformity of application quality. It also needs to just do not get the effect of « & raquo ;, Yablunevyi when by simply overlapping two layers of your paint unevenly colored areas appear directly changesher tone.

In all the work you should take into account the direction of color: large all the details - you need to paint continuously from one side, and   to another, and not just from all the edges to the center, all the vertical details - you need to paint the bottom up.

It is after all the paint is appliedwell, you can start the car varnishing. Theoretically, all this to make a very simple, but in practice it turns out simple that it is many inexperienced artists of all there is all sorts of stains and all other deficiencies good coverage.

Lac, as well as all the base paint, too, must be prepared in advance.For this purpose, initially always based hardener is added, and then the solvent in all its relevant proportions.

A good quality paint and you can always buy in the shop AUTOSKLAD.

Author: Artlife
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