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Children's Neurology and Neurosurgery

, 07:35
0 2006

Children's Neuroscience includes the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in newborns, childrens and adolescents on the basis of the complex. The human nervous system form the two main components - the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

baby's nervous system not only controls the whole body, and is responsible for the formation of the mind and intellect of the child, his behavior characterizederistik. Violations of the child's nervous system can greatly affect its future development, cause serious physical and mental disorders. On the other hand, the nervous system of the child has a high resilience, especially at an early age, so the earlier the disease is detected, the more RESULTativnost be treated. Modern pediatric neurology is in a relentless search for and implementation of methods for the early detection of perinatal lesions of the nervous system.

The neurologist or neurologist, what's the difference?

In fact, there is no difference. Many people ask this question. The fact that "neurologist" - a modernfirst term, "neurologist" - obsolete. Despite the fact that it is considered to be wrong, the last case in many publications. The fallacy of the term "neurologist" is that the doctor does not cure the disease neurologist if they are not the cause of the neurological disorder. This was the reason for the change in 1980, the name of the specialty"neurologist" to "Neurologist".

Children's neurology, as one of the main branches of Pediatrics

Pediatric Neurology is one of the most difficult sectors of pediatric neurologist and requires in-depth knowledge not only in the field of neurology and neurosurgery of childhood, but also in the field of pediatric orthopedics, psihologii, endocrinology, and many other branches of medicine. Only such a comprehensive knowledge base can provide a clear understanding of the mechanism of neurological disorders in the child and accurate approach to the selection of treatment for diseases of the nervous system and its complications.

What are the diagnostic metopriyatiya?

Depending on the type of disease and its complexity, can be assigned to the following diagnostic events like:

  1. X-ray of the skull (craniography) and spine (spondylography);
  2. Lumbar puncture (obtaining cerebrospinal fluid and its analysis);
  3. Computed Tomography (CT), which gives the possibilityget a clear picture of structures brain and spinal cord;
  4. Positron emission tomography / computed tomography (PET / CT) - visualization of pathologies of the nervous system. This method also makes it possible to detect malignant tumors of the nervous system at the stage of their origin, and many others.

What should byt is equipped with a children's department of neurosurgery?

In addition, each office is equipped with pediatric neurosurgery and other advanced technology, which allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out the surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous system. This endoscopic instruments for accurate visualization of brain structures, bodies andcondemned, neurosurgical microscopes maximize, surgical navigation digital type and much more. This advanced engineering software, controlled by highly qualified specialists department, allows to treat complex diseases of the nervous system of a child with a maximum guarantee of a positive result.

Author: Artlife
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