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The benefits of online shopping

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In the past few assI washed over where best to shop - after working all went to the shops. And now we shop sitting at home with a cup of coffee with his laptop, looking for cheap goods. This form has its purchases « pros » and « cons & raquo ;, which has experienced firsthand the global web users.

And Assortiment and savings

Alexander Kachan and his friends are frequent « visitors » online stores. He said that since bought a rare model of the camera, which could not be found in any store. The man said that at first the Internet to find the right model. Then visit the various shopss, but I have not found the desired product. Vendors offered to order the goods, but the price is clearly « bite & raquo ;. In parallel with this, and much easier and faster, he led the search for virtual stores world wide web. There's no problem found what he wanted. Now Alexander says that there were many proposals, but chose the one that best VNUshalo confidence. In a few minutes to order the product directly from the selected vendor. Then there was a call from the store. To clarify some details of the agreement, where and how best to get the goods to the customer and other details. I liked the fact that the goods have been delivered within 2 days. At the agreed time, Alexander was in the representation of Interna store. Commodity inspection, make sure that the camera is working properly, and that is important - the seller has provided a guarantee and check, after which our hero has paid for the purchase. Since he became the owner of the coveted Japanese digicam assembly.

At the same time Alexander Kachan has not stopped. His next purchase was a laptop. Having made « exploration » in two directions, making sure that the desired model of the machine bought from the online store will cost 10 percent less - and it is about 500 hryvnia. Therefore, there is to make the purchase. And I do not regret, because the goods satisfied. Next Alexander preobrel children's bike for his daughter Veronica. By the way, he did it in the wholesale online store, poetWMD and the purchase price was much lower than in the market.

First, the money - then the merchandise

The experience of buying goods via the Internet is and for me personally. It happened more than a year ago. Then regional hospital treated my daughter. It was necessary to purchase a medicament for surgery. From the doctor, I learned thatyou need can be ordered through the Internet. You want - you do not want to - I had to delve into the matter. Order product was very easy, and most importantly - fast. But unlike my first companion, I had to through the bank to make a full prepayment for the goods. When I did, I still had to call on a landline phone in the online store. From menedzhera I got a parcel code, and the next day in the representation of « New Mail » I received my order. Frankly, that, despite assurances from management that the goods will be delivered on time, landline phone store, the real address in Kiev, where you can go and pick up a package, though some fear was - no lossw I money, and most importantly, you do not get lost somewhere expensive drugs. Only then, when he got a small parcel in the representation of the carrier - relieved. Later, through the Internet, I bought a mobile phone and a rare TV tuner. Incidentally, in any of the stores it will not have such a unit. A telephone, even though the cost of transport, the gainthe price was somewhere 90-110 hryvnia.

But not always bought over the internet is cheaper. So, a student at a university, told me that she booked a train ticket over the Internet. I hoped that he would be at the same price as at the box office - and her hopes were in vain. For this service it paid additionalbut 25 hryvnia. The only advantage of buying through the Internet was that she was able to choose for themselves a suitable place in the car.

Author: Artlife
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