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Special medical group for physical education

, 14:50
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Physical education in all educational institutions of RussiaIt is an essential part of the educational process. Medical Pedagogical control over the upbringing of children (physical) and students should ensure optimization of their motor activity, as well as tracking changes in their health.

A direct Optimizationbut the motor activity of students of educational institutions is essential hygienic importance, as recently in children and youth is observed progressive physical inactivity, obesity, impaired posture and musculoskeletal system, visual defects and neuro-psychological disorder.

Classes in physical training (education) to students in the school are conducted only if the order of the Director of the recruiting medical groups. The distribution of all students students for health to some medical groups to conduct classes on physical training (education ) is usually carriedyaetsya this way:

  1. The medical examination organized children's groups;
  2. The definition of the functional condition of the child is carried out, if necessary, to clarify the body's reaction to dosed physical stress (respiration rate, heart rate and arterial blood pressuresof).

If you have outstanding recommendations of experts on the additional survey, can not be done opinion on the compulsory medical examination. As a result of the child to physical training (education) is not allowed. About all the requirements Recomndatsiyah experts should be mandatory informed the child's parents (a letter from the Ministry of Health of 28.11.2007 ¹ 4.03-1121).

Order of the director of the institution specific lists of all the preparatory and special medical teams are usually approved for the current year and Mandatoryflax communicated to the teachers of physical training (education), the class teacher, curator of the master. It is valid until the next medical examination and the conclusion of the medical commission directly. If you want to change health groups on physical culture, based on the application of parents and show Head of TrainingOn places publishes addition to the order regulating the health group of physical education students of an educational institution for the current year.

With the help of medical officer of the institution homeroom teacher or the person who is responsible for this, draws up a "letter of health" (in vocational schools - is a separateSingle page magazine), which should be in a magazine and called the account of studies (Appendix 3). On completion of the period of stay of the student in special preparatory groups or medical professional educational institution, teacher, homeroom teacher has to previously inform the student and his parents for not passingmediocre second medical examination with the definition of a medical team and receiving, of course, this particular document.

Author: Artlife
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