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When you need a cash register, and when not

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Before you give an answer, in which cases you really do not need such a device as a cash register, we explain the main fundamentals. And tell us about it Ivanov A. P. is an employee of the company "VVS-Service". The cash register is an electronic machine that produces different cash checks using a specific print device on a separate paper. Need such a device for registration of transactions of sale of goods or services. Most importantly what is it used for cash register is a record of all operations of the company.

Machines are divided into two categories:

  • fiscal devices containing a memory in which is stored the history of all operations;
  • the
  • not a fiscal AIDS.

In today's business, often use fiscal cash registers. How to use them explain when applying for a job. Sometimes, you need to enter the amount and print a check. Another option, when entering a standalone machine gives you a receipt. Cash registers are used in such areas as:

  • trade;
  • services
  • the hotel and restaurant business.

Now you can understand in which cases you can do without a cash register. He is needed in almost all cases for the transfer of various funds, except that the selling at retail of goods on a certain market. That is a simple one-time sale of a particular material.
Often the entrepreneur raises the question of the right device, if a natural person gives him money, and the company in turn invests them in the construction of the house. In this case, the check is a must but not for the sale or purchase, and for the provision of services. To facilitate the business can work without a cash - machine, but you need to keep accounts and issue forms of the strict reporting.

forms should be details of the company, links to additional documents confirming this agreement. These documents include: a document approved by the Bank or the tax Inspectorate. In such documents must be:

  • date of implementation co-pay;
  • series document;
  • signature with the names of both parties.

Such documents, which replace the cash voucher can be tickets for transport. Most often to calculate the costs.

In some beauty salons instead of a printed cash register receipt is issued, a document written by hand. It certainly shows the amount that the person who provided the service and the company stamp. It is important that the parties understand what these documents, then they will be more careful to check them.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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