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Handling corrective lenses

, 18:08
0 2018

Millions of modern people have vision problems, because of the extensive spread of digital technology and changes the usual  lifestyle. Lost sharpness, developing hyperopia, myopia and other diseases that require correction. The most popular way among young people who are very sensitive about their style, is the use of corrective contact lenses (CCL). This is a specific products that have direct contact with the surface of the eyeball and with frequent use they have also to care, to be cleaned, sterilized and properly stored. A set of tools for careful and correct handling of CCL can be found on the website .


What is a contact lens?

these products have become so popular is because they are not noticeable on the eyes like glasses, but not less effective. In fact, the contact lens is called a miniature (the size of diameter slightly greater than the cornea), which is worn directly on the eye. They are made of silicone and hydrogel formulations, giving flexibility and does not injure the eye.


When the lenses need care?

Direct contact with a mucous membrane, especially if we are talking about lenses, extended wear, can lead to irritation, allergies or even inflammation. Therefore, the use of such products mandatory should encourage the person to hygiene and lens care. In fact, the correctors can be worn during the day, removing at night. In such circumstances, even if they are stored in a separate case, but not cleaned as it should according to instructions, on the surface can accumulate fine dust, dirt and pathogenic microorganisms.


What tools can be found in the store LinzaVision?

Store tightly LinzaVision sells contact lenses and various means of disinfection, humidification for them. It can offer the following product groups:

  • Multifunctional solutions. This fluid with the special stable composition comprising a complex set of substances. This scheme allows for effective disinfecting, cleaning and rinsing the lenses after their removal from the eyes. In addition, solutions Aosept Plus, I Care, BioTwin and others are used for treatment corrective lenses before storage;
  • Solutions based on hyaluronic acid. This is a wonderful means for disinfecting and wetting the lens surface. Processing Biotrue, Unica Sensitive, Hydro and other Health HA allows for longer maintain normal level of moisture in the contact area;
  • Peroxide system tools. This is the perfect solution for people with very sensitive mucous membrane. Systems such as One Step or Wohlk Peroxide does not contain any preservatives, carefully clean the lens surface, greatly extending their service life. In addition, they reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

Article written on the basis of materials of a site the Internet-shop LinzaVision (phone: +38 /044/ 578-24-78).

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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