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Horobi, Vuh, throat, nose

, 15:03
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Otolaryngology - TSE rozdl klono medicine scho vivca fishology I pathology of the throat, nose, Vuh the I Prilepy to them anatomic areas, and takozh rotable methods profilaktiki, dagnostika the treatment of zakhvoryuvan CIR organs. Simauta lchannel patolog throat, nose I lcar Vuh-otolaryngologists ABO ENT lcar. Anatomy blizkosti I funkcjonalny vsamom'yazok ENT organs one s one zoomobile Ob'ºdnannya h, zakhvoryuvan in one area medicine science. More details about ear, nose and throat can procitati on portal: .


Region otolaringolog:

  • surdosage scho vivca porsenna hearing (tugevust, deafness);
  • phoniatrics, scho vivca porsenna holocaustomania (dysphonia).

Zacharovanna Vuh, nose and throat, suprovodzhuyut lyudin W rannego ditinstva the push stroke osogo life. Zdeblick TSI zacharovanna nasati zapalne character, Oskolki ENT organizations tsno POV Asan and purebeauty posting vsamom z navkolishn seredovischa. Slizov tunic ENT organs mstat the large number of umowna-pathogenic scrooges, that when namahamu poruchen runaway in orgasm, perevodyatsya in pathogen first to prizvodit to zacharovanna.


Naybilsh, patirtimi zacharovannye, Poronin nose ":

  • adenodi;
  • rinti;
  • gaimorite;
  • sinusiti;
  • travmi Kosovo partition;
  • Nosov Cavotec.

Iz zakhvoryuvan Vuh, often asking:

  • otiti;
  • timpani;
  • state;
  • poshkodzhennya traumatic nature.

To polirani, zakhvoryuvan throat otnosjatsja:

  • laringe;
  • feringhi;
  • chronon tanzilli;
  • INSHI GOSTR I hronn Stanny.

Megapulse z h great skupchenko ecology , a filthy especially splitlevel background for the development of ENT-zakhvoryuvan. Zacharovanna Vuh, nose and throat often uskladnenie , " preneseni vrasna Pecci rozvivayutsya on TL loose muntatu. Each of the s of chislennykh, zakhvoryuvan ENT organs got my symptoms I clinco picture. The special TV news trivago guilty, vilicity pojava such symptoms, Yak: postin grown bol, zbilshennya pdelay limfouzel, bol in girl that in wohah, pogresna hearing the nose, nasal trudnos Dianna, Velen s nose ABO Vuh. Yakscho after perenesen colds prison vdras be called a few more, pererahovan symptoms, mozhna govorito about zapodeni zapalenia.

Satagopan treatment ABO samolkin whether ACO ENT patolog Mauger mother duzhe seriesn nalci for lyudskogo health. Zacharovanna one s Tsikh organs Mauger, vilicity, uskladnenie s side hogo. Often banalny undead Velika tak, uskladnenie, Yak otitis media or sinusitis. That treatment h always guilty Buti vsamom asanin I kompleksnym. Satin sapolin, Procesi nose, Vuh the I throat takozh mozhut, vilicity ouragenda NSA organs: serta, nirak, suglobov. Moreover, anatomy blizkosti to head mozk the first sight, rosinen nervoza I krovopotere head smuso, rozkladaci ENT zacharovanna, Yak odne iz neseryozno in plan development, nebezpechnih for the life of uskladnenie.


methods Suchan dagnostika ENT patolog vkluchaut in yourself:

  • laboratory anali;
  • endoscopy the comp utern study of the nose, throat, and Vuh;
  • ultrasound
  • PUNKT of prydatkov sinuses.


Nihilism zavdannyam have lkuhn otolaryngology, zakhvoryuvan , nadopasana transition, horobi in Chrono form. Have treatment ENT patolog, vykorystovuyutsia therapeutics (medicamentos, fisioterapeutas) that churcn methods. In Ostend rocky actively used malonates laser endoscopic methods for treatment otolaryngology patolog, and takozh methods kosmetyczne I plasticno hrung.

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Author: Artlife
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